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Hello Everyone! I'm Ernő from Hungary. Currently I am pursuing my bachelor's degree in Computer Science as a junior student at Budapest University of Technology. I look forward so much to taking part in GSoC 17. There are two Processing projects I find particularly exciting: Cardboard Applications for Android and Famous Curve Browser. Could you please provide me with some more details regarding these projects? Thanks in advance!
Hi Felido, thanks for your interest in GSOC!
Cardboard support in Processing for Android is very recent, the version of the mode that includes it is still in beta (but should become the default download soon). We put together a basic VR tutorial in the Processing for Android site, but more learning resources for people to get started with VR in Processing are needed. These could take the form of both basic and in-depth tutorials, and also interesting examples to get people excited about it.
I recommend you to install the latest beta of the android mode, start testing Cardboard sketches, and then see what ideas you come up with in terms of missing functionality, things that could be improved, etc. We can continue the discussion in this thread.
Is there any challenges out there that could be brought forward to reproduce in Processing in order to encourage tools and demo development? Maybe you have link resources that could be posted below to see what could be accomplish (or what have been accomplished) in this domain?
I'm pasting below the project ideas we currently list in the wiki under the Processing for Android category:
We might have a team from Rails Girls Summer of Code working on the third one, so I would prioritize the first two ideas. I would also add working on documentation and the Processing for Android website generally as useful projects. Translation efforts would also be very welcome, particularly taking into consideration the reach of the Android platform around the world.
Thank you for the answer. I tried the tutorial codes on my phone earlier. I'm interested in the first topic from the 3 you listed. And making tutorials with documentation is a fantastic idea too. I hope I can come back with some great idea soon.
Hi Felido, posted a few possible projects in the wiki and in the forum.