We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
float x = 400;
float y = 300;
float spd = 0.5;
float paddle1Y;
float paddle2Y;
int p1Score = 0;
int p2Score = 0;
int p1Life = 10;
int p2Life = 10;
int dirX = -1;
int dirY = -1;
int state = 0;
import processing.sound.*; //import sound file from data folder
SoundFile file;
void setup() {
size(800, 600);
void draw() {
background(0); //Erase The Screen
if (state == 0) {
fill(255); // Change text colour to white
textSize(30); // Change text size
text("Controls: Player 1: 'w' for up, 's' for down)", 95, 530);
text("Player 2: 'i' for up, 'k' for down)", 237, 565);
textSize(45); // Change text size
text("Pong Assignment by Nathaniel K.", 36, 100);
text("Press 'E' For Easy", 220, 250);
text("Press 'M' For Medium", 180, 350);
text("Press 'H' For Hard", 220, 450);
fill(255, 0); // Change opacity of rectangles to 0
stroke(255); // Change stroke colour
strokeWeight(5); // chnage stroke thickness
rect(215, 205, 378, 58); //draw rectangle
rect(175, 305, 469, 58); //draw rectangle
rect(215, 405, 393, 58); //draw rectangle
rect(90, 495, 620, 90); //draw rectangle
p1Life = 10; // Player 1's lives
p2Life = 10; // Player 2's lives
//*----------------------------Keyboard Controls------------------------
if (keyPressed && key == 'e') {
state = 3;
if (keyPressed && key == 'm') {
state = 4;
if (keyPressed && key == 'h') {
state = 5;
//*----------------------Reset (Player 1)------------------------------
else if (state == 1) {
fill(255); // Change text colour
textSize(40); // Change text size
text("Click to Start", 270, height/2);
stroke(255); // Change stroke colour
strokeWeight(5); // Change stroke thickness
fill(255, 0, 0); // Change fill colour
ellipse(85, paddle1Y, 30, 30); // draw circle
rect(40, paddle1Y - 50, 20, 100); //draw rectangle
rect(740, paddle2Y - 50, 20, 100); //draw rectangle
//*----------------------------Keyboard Controls------------------------
if (keyPressed && key == 'w')
paddle1Y = paddle1Y - 10;
else if (keyPressed && key == 's')
paddle1Y = paddle1Y + 10;
if (keyPressed && key == 'i')
paddle2Y = paddle2Y - 10;
else if (keyPressed && key == 'k')
paddle2Y = paddle2Y + 10;
//*-----------If mouse pressed ball resets on top of paddle--------------
if (mousePressed) {
x = 75;
y = paddle1Y;
dirX = 1; // add or subtract the speed based on the direction to move the ball
dirY = 1;
state = 3;
//*----------------------Reset (Player 2)------------------------------
else if (state == 2) {
fill(255); // Change text colour
textSize(40); // Change text size
text("Click to Start", 270, height/2);
stroke(255); // Change stroke colour
strokeWeight(5); // Change stroke thickness
fill(255, 0, 0); // Change fill colour
ellipse(715, paddle2Y, 30, 30); // draw circle
rect(40, paddle1Y - 50, 20, 100); //draw rectangle
rect(740, paddle2Y - 50, 20, 100); //draw rectangle
//*----------------------------Keyboard Controls------------------------
if (keyPressed && key == 'w')
paddle1Y = paddle1Y - 10;
else if (keyPressed && key == 's')
paddle1Y = paddle1Y + 10;
if (keyPressed && key == 'i')
paddle2Y = paddle2Y - 10;
else if (keyPressed && key == 'k')
paddle2Y = paddle2Y + 10;
//*-----------If mouse pressed ball resets on top of paddle--------------
if (mousePressed) {
x = 715;
y = paddle2Y;
dirX = -1; // add or subtract the speed based on the direction to move the ball
dirY = -1;
state = 3;
//*-------------------Game Play (EASY)-----------------------------
else if (state == 3) {
//*----------------------------Keyboard Controls------------------------
if (keyPressed && key == 'w')
paddle1Y = paddle1Y - 10;
else if (keyPressed && key == 's')
paddle1Y = paddle1Y + 10;
if (keyPressed && key == 'i')
paddle2Y = paddle2Y - 10;
else if (keyPressed && key == 'k')
paddle2Y = paddle2Y + 10;
fill(255); // Change fill colour
// Check The Walls
if (x > 800 || x < 0) { // if the ball hits either wall
dirX *= -1; //flip the sign (change direction)
// Load a soundfile from the /data folder of the sketch and play it back
file = new SoundFile(this, "BD.wav");
if (y > 600 || y < 0) { // if the ball hits either wall
dirY *= -1; //flip the sign (change direction)
// Load a soundfile from the /data folder of the sketch and play it back
file = new SoundFile(this, "BD.wav");
// Check The P1 Paddle
if (x <= 70 && y >= paddle1Y - 50 && y <= paddle1Y + 50 && x >= 5) {
dirX *= -1; //flip the sign (change direction)
dirX += 1;
p1Score++; //Adds the score by 1
// Load a soundfile from the /data folder of the sketch and play it back
file = new SoundFile(this, "SD.wav");
// Check The P2 Paddle
if (x > width - 75 && y >= paddle2Y - 50 && y <= paddle2Y + 50 && x >= 5) {
dirX *= -1; //flip the sign (change direction)
dirX += -1;
p2Score++; //Adds the score by 1
// Load a soundfile from the /data folder of the sketch and play it back
file = new SoundFile(this, "SD.wav");
x += 2*dirX; // add or subtract the speed based on the direction to move the ball
y += 2*dirY;
fill(255, 0, 0);
ellipse(x, y, 30, 30); // draw the ball
rect(40, paddle1Y - 50, 20, 100); // draw the paddle
fill(255, 0, 0);
rect(740, paddle2Y - 50, 20, 100); // draw the paddle
if (x > 740) { // if ball hits right side player 2 loses a life
state = 2;
if (x < 40) { // if ball hits left side player 1 loses a life
state = 1;
if (p1Life == 0) { // if player 1 has 0 lives left, then it is game over
state = 6;
if (p2Life == 0) { // if player 2 has 0 lives left, then it is game over
state = 6;
fill(255); // Change fill colour
//displays score and lives remaining.
text("P1 Score:" + p1Score + " ", 50, 50);
text("P1 Lives:" + p1Life + " ", 50, 85);
text("P2 Score:" + p2Score + " ", 500, 50);
text("P2 Lives:" + p2Life + " ", 500, 85);
fill(255, 0);
rect(50, 23, 173, 30); // draw rectangle
rect(50, 58, 168, 30); // draw rectangle
rect(500, 23, 173, 30); // draw rectangle
rect(500, 58, 168, 30); // draw rectangle
//*-------------------Game Play (MEDIUM)-----------------------------
else if (state == 4) {
//*----------------------------Keyboard Controls------------------------
if (keyPressed && key == 'w')
paddle1Y = paddle1Y - 10;
else if (keyPressed && key == 's')
paddle1Y = paddle1Y + 10;
if (keyPressed && key == 'i')
paddle2Y = paddle2Y - 10;
else if (keyPressed && key == 'k')
paddle2Y = paddle2Y + 10;
fill(255); // Change fill colour
// Check The Walls
if (x > 800 || x < 0) { // if the ball hits either wall
dirX *= -1; //flip the sign (change direction)
// Load a soundfile from the /data folder of the sketch and play it back
file = new SoundFile(this, "BD.wav");
if (y > 600 || y < 0) { // if the ball hits either wall
dirY *= -1; //flip the sign (change direction)
// Load a soundfile from the /data folder of the sketch and play it back
file = new SoundFile(this, "BD.wav");
// Check The P1 Paddle
if (x <= 70 && y >= paddle1Y - 50 && y <= paddle1Y + 50 && x >= 5) {
dirX *= -1; //flip the sign (change direction)
dirX += 1.2;
p1Score++; //Adds the score by 1
// Load a soundfile from the /data folder of the sketch and play it back
file = new SoundFile(this, "SD.wav");
// Check The P2 Paddle
if (x > width - 75 && y >= paddle2Y - 50 && y <= paddle2Y + 50 && x >= 5) {
dirX *= -1; //flip the sign (change direction)
dirX += -1.2;
p2Score++; //Adds the score by 1
// Load a soundfile from the /data folder of the sketch and play it back
file = new SoundFile(this, "SD.wav");
x += 4*dirX; // add or subtract the speed based on the direction to move the ball
y += 4*dirY;
fill(255, 0, 0);
ellipse(x, y, 30, 30); // draw the ball
rect(40, paddle1Y - 50, 20, 100); // draw the paddle
fill(255, 0, 0);
rect(740, paddle2Y - 50, 20, 100); // draw the paddle
if (x > 740) { // if ball hits right side player 2 loses a life
state = 2;
if (x < 40) { // if ball hits left side player 1 loses a life
state = 1;
if (p1Life == 0) { // if player 1 has 0 lives left, then it is game over
state = 6;
if (p2Life == 0) { // if player 2 has 0 lives left, then it is game over
state = 6;
//displays score and lives remaining.
text("P1 Score:" + p1Score + " ", 50, 50);
text("P1 Lives:" + p1Life + " ", 50, 85);
text("P2 Score:" + p2Score + " ", 500, 50);
text("P2 Lives:" + p2Life + " ", 500, 85);
fill(255, 0);
rect(50, 23, 173, 30);
rect(50, 58, 168, 30);
rect(500, 23, 173, 30);
rect(500, 58, 168, 30);
//*-------------------Game Play (HARD)-----------------------------
else if (state == 5) {
//*----------------------------Keyboard Controls------------------------
if (keyPressed && key == 'w')
paddle1Y = paddle1Y - 10;
else if (keyPressed && key == 's')
paddle1Y = paddle1Y + 10;
if (keyPressed && key == 'i')
paddle2Y = paddle2Y - 10;
else if (keyPressed && key == 'k')
paddle2Y = paddle2Y + 10;
fill(255); // Change fill colour
// Check The Walls
if (x > 800 || x < 0) { // if the ball hits either wall
dirX *= -1; //flip the sign (change direction)
// Load a soundfile from the /data folder of the sketch and play it back
file = new SoundFile(this, "BD.wav");
if (y > 600 || y < 0) { // if the ball hits either wall
dirY *= -1; //flip the sign (change direction)
// Load a soundfile from the /data folder of the sketch and play it back
file = new SoundFile(this, "BD.wav");
// Check The P1 Paddle
if (x <= 70 && y >= paddle1Y - 50 && y <= paddle1Y + 50 && x >= 5) {
dirX *= -1; //flip the sign (change direction)
dirX += 1.5;
p1Score++; //Adds the score by 1
// Load a soundfile from the /data folder of the sketch and play it back
file = new SoundFile(this, "SD.wav");
// Check The P2 Paddle
if (x > width - 75 && y >= paddle2Y - 50 && y <= paddle2Y + 50 && x >= 5) {
dirX *= -1; //flip the sign (change direction)
dirX += -1.5;
p2Score++; //Adds the score by 1
// Load a soundfile from the /data folder of the sketch and play it back
file = new SoundFile(this, "SD.wav");
x += 6*dirX; // add or subtract the speed based on the direction to move the ball
y += 6*dirY;
fill(255, 0, 0);
ellipse(x, y, 30, 30); // draw the ball
rect(40, paddle1Y - 50, 20, 100); // draw the paddle
fill(255, 0, 0);
rect(740, paddle2Y - 50, 20, 100); // draw the paddle
if (x > 740) { // if ball hits right side player 2 loses a life
state = 2;
if (x < 40) { // if ball hits left side player 1 loses a life
state = 1;
if (p1Life == 0) { // if player 1 has 0 lives left, then it is game over
state = 6;
if (p2Life == 0) { // if player 2 has 0 lives left, then it is game over
state = 6;
//displays score and lives remaining.
text("P1 Score:" + p1Score + " ", 50, 50);
text("P1 Lives:" + p1Life + " ", 50, 85);
text("P2 Score:" + p2Score + " ", 500, 50);
text("P2 Lives:" + p2Life + " ", 500, 85);
fill(255, 0);
rect(50, 23, 173, 30);
rect(50, 58, 168, 30);
rect(500, 23, 173, 30);
rect(500, 58, 168, 30);
//*-----------------------Game Over-----------------------------
else if (state == 6) {
background(255, 0, 0);
text("GAME OVER", 158, 200);
text("CLICK TO RESTART", 200, 400);
if (mousePressed) { // if mouse pressed then the gme if restarted
state = 0;
What have you tried..?
What went wrong?