A Processing plugin for IntelliJ IDEA

Hi - I'd like to announce that I'm working on a small Processing plugin for IntelliJ to simplify the workflow of writing Processing sketches in Java. It adds to IntelliJ a Processing project type, a custom sketch run configuration and introduces PDE sketchbook import functionality. It is completely independent of the PDE, handling Processing library dependency resolution itself. Although there is an option to use dependencies that are bundled with PDE itself, if you like.

Check out the plugin's website, for more information and a downloadable release. It's open source - GPLv2 licensed.

None of IntelliJ's features should be broken, so you can use the IDE's debugger, hot-swap code reloading, standalone JAR artefact export, etc., as normal.

You'll probably encounter some niggles and bugs. Please raise an issue if you do.

My apologies that there is no definitive documentation right now. I will try to compile something soon. Here's a quick run-down:

If you're familiar with IntelliJ, getting started should be relatively easy. The plugin follows IDE conventions.

To create a new sketch project, invoke the New Project wizard and you should see "Processing" listed in the project type selection screen. Follow this IntelliJ guide to access the project creation wizard.

To create a sketch run configuration follow these instructions. When presented with the "Add New Configurations" dialog box, choose "Processing" and fill in the parameters you'd like. Defaults should be sufficient to run a sketch.

Importing a PDE sketchbook is similar to creating a new sketch project. Follow these steps, but when prompted at the second dialog whether you'd like to import from existing sources, or use an external model, opt for "Import project from external model" and choose "Processing Sketch". Walk through the remaining wizard screens.

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