We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
I am Jianxin Liu, a student pursuing Management Information System from Jiujiang University (China).
I am new to open source,and I am interested in Implement a better way to understand how people use Processing
and want to contribute to it in GSoC 2017.I want more information about this project,Who or where can I ask for help?Thanks!
Check this post: https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/20622/processing-is#latest
ok,Thanks very much!
see also
you might want to ask REAS if you can make an online survey for the people here to fill out and advertise it a bit here on the forum
You could ask what people do with processing and since when, what they appreciate and what they miss...
see also some people telling their previous programming languages and so on:
We recently published the results of a Community Survey, see: https://medium.com/@ProcessingOrg/community-survey-5784e4ec74fc#.f54x5vhp5. The listing on the Project List is more focused around stats we gather from the PDE itself and ways we might visualize and/or open source this data. Thanks for your interest!