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I'm trying to write a code which moves an ellipse when it reads a particular serial input. But what happens is when it receives the particular value it moves all the way to the end of the screen. Looking at the code I can work out yes thats what will happen. But previously I was able to do the same thing with similar code and it worked out perfectly. I tried copying and pasting that codes into it but still it doesn't move in steps.
Here is the code I'm working on import processing.serial.*; Serial myPort; // Create object from Serial class int val;
int Xpos = 200;
int Ypos = 200;
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
String portName = Serial.list()[2];
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
void draw() {
ellipse(Xpos, Ypos, 80, 80);
void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {
val = myPort.read();
void move(){
if (val == 1) {
if (Ypos>0) {
Ypos = Ypos - 2;
if (val == 2) {
if (Ypos<height) {
Ypos = Ypos + 2;
if (val == 3) {
if (Xpos>0) {
Xpos = Xpos -2;
if (val == 4) {
if (Xpos< width) {
Xpos = Xpos + 2;
probably it is moving in steps but they could be happening really fast. To experiment, try adding
inside your setup() function. If you see steps every seconds, then this implies that you have a high input rate.An alternative, call move like this:
(if(frameCount%30==0)) move();
This will call move every second instead of 30 times per second.Kf