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Hello all, I am having some trouble using processing.net.
First example: (This is how i should be initializing new client)
import processing.net.*;
import procontroll.*;
import java.io.*;
Client myClient;
ControllIO controll;
ControllDevice device;
ControllStick leftStick;
ControllStick rightStick;
ControllSlider zTrigger;
ControllButton button;
float leftStickXval = 0;
void setup(){
myClient = new Client(this, "", 1000);
controll = ControllIO.getInstance(this);
ControllDevice device = controll.getDevice(2);
println(device.getName()+" has:");
controll = ControllIO.getInstance(this);
device = controll.getDevice("Controller (Joytech 360 pad)");
ControllSlider leftX = device.getSlider(1);
ControllSlider leftY = device.getSlider(0);
ControllSlider rightX = device.getSlider(3);
ControllSlider rightY = device.getSlider(2);
zTrigger = device.getSlider(4);
leftStick = new ControllStick(leftX,leftY);
rightStick = new ControllStick(rightX,rightY);
button = device.getButton(1);
float totalX = width;
float totalY = height;
void sendData(){
myClient.write(leftStickXval*100 + "\r\n");
void draw(){
text("LeftX:" + leftStick.getX(), 25,25);
text("LeftY:" + leftStick.getY()*-1, 25,50);
text("rightX:" + rightStick.getX(), 25,100);
text("rightY:" + rightStick.getY()*-1, 25,125);
text("Z Trigger:" + zTrigger.getValue()*-1, 25,175);
if(leftStickXval != leftStick.getX()){
leftStickXval = leftStick.getX();
I initialize myClient and then i call sendData from void draw. The first time myClient.write is executed the code works HOWEVER any time after that I get the following error:
at processing.net.Client.write(Unknown Source)
at processing.net.Client.write(Unknown Source)
at Quad_Controll_001.sendData(Quad_Controll_001.java:74)
at Quad_Controll_001.draw(Quad_Controll_001.java:92)
at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(PApplet.java:2270)
at processing.core.PGraphicsJava2D.requestDraw(PGraphicsJava2D.java:243)
at processing.core.PApplet.run(PApplet.java:2141)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)
More info (probably irrelevant?) I am using an arduino with a WiFi shield. when i get the error mentioned above I can restart the processing sketch and the arduino will update a value once untill this error occurs. As long as i restart the processing sketch the arduino will update every time without re-set so this suggests that it is problems on the processing side and not the arduino.
By the way, when I move the myClient = new client(...) into the sendData() method above the myClient.write The code with work except the processing sketch runs VERY slow when executing sendData();