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Hi there,
I want to use python in processing, Do I have to download a Python Mode (or something else) for processing?
Thank you!
(Remember that this uses Jython, so if you're using some Python library that isn't supported by Jython (in fact, I don't know if any Python library is supported by Jython), then it won't work)
Every Python library that doesn't use native code is compatible with Jython.
For more information on which Python modules are useable with Jython:
Thank you!
(Remember that this uses Jython, so if you're using some Python library that isn't supported by Jython (in fact, I don't know if any Python library is supported by Jython), then it won't work)
Every Python library that doesn't use native code is compatible with Jython.
For more information on which Python modules are useable with Jython: