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Hi, I'm (really) new with processing. Can anyone help me with this code? please :) I cannot find why I get unexpected token: void() in this code:
import processing.video.*; Capture webcam; int w=400; int h=400; int pixn=w*h; int keyhits; PImage img; int i= 0
void setup() { size(w, h); webcam = new Capture(this, 400, 400); webcam.start(); loadPixels(); }
void captureEvent(Capture webcam) { webcam.read(); } void draw() { image(webcam, 0, 0); }
void keyPressed() {
if ( key == '1' ) { save("capture" + ++keyhits + ".jpg"); }
img = loadImage("capture"+keyhits+".jpg"); int x = int(img.width); int y = int(img.height); float r = red(img.pixels[i]); float g = green(img.pixels[i]); float b = blue(img.pixels[i]);
for (int i=0; i<pixn; i++) { float sumar = sumar + red(img.pixels[i]); float sumag = sumag + green(img.pixels[i]); float sumab = sumab + blue(img.pixels[i]); }
float mediar = sumar / pixn); float mediag = sumag / pixn); float mediab = sumab / pixn);
if ( key == '2' ) { fill(mediar, mediag, mediab, 255); rect(0, 0, 400, 400); save("average_color"+ keyhits + ".jpg"); } }
First of all you need to learn to format your code for this forum. Look here
There are several errors in your code. The first is in line 8 where the statement
int i = 0
needs a semicolonThen the variables sumar, sumag and sumab are declared local to the for loop and have not been initialised before use.
Then you have extra unneeded
The corrected code looks like
And you haven't formatted the code properly.
Many thanks, Lord_of_the_Galaxy!;