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I needed this in a project I'm working on and wrote this function which seems to work quite well, (haven't tested it extensively though)
String nufix(float n) { // Numerical Suffix
String a=""; // String manipulation variable
float K = 1000.0; // Kilo
float M = pow(K, 2); // Mega
float G = pow(K, 3); // Giga
float T = pow(K, 4); // Terra
float P = pow(K, 5); // Peta
float E = pow(K, 6); // Exa
float Z = pow(K, 7); // Zeta
float Y = pow(K, 8); // Yotta
float sv=1.0; // Suffix value
char sc=' '; // Suffix char
int neg=0; if (n<0){neg=1;} // boolean as int for convenience
if (abs(n) < 1) {return '.'+str(int(n*10));}
else if (abs(n) < K) {return str(int(n));}
else if (abs(n) < M) {sc='K'; sv=K;}
else if (abs(n) < G) {sc='M'; sv=M;}
else if (abs(n) < T) {sc='G'; sv=G;}
else if (abs(n) < P) {sc='T'; sv=T;}
else if (abs(n) < E) {sc='P'; sv=P;}
else if (abs(n) < Z) {sc='E'; sv=E;}
else if (abs(n) < Y) {sc='Z'; sv=Z;}
else if (abs(n) < Y*K) {sc='Y'; sv=Y;}
else {return "yo mama";} // here I give up
if (abs(n)>=10.0*sv) {
return str(int(n/sv))+sc;
else {
if (a.charAt(1+neg)=='.' && a.charAt(2+neg)=='0') {
return a.substring(0,1+neg)+sc;
else {return a.substring(0,3+neg)+sc;}
Also this shorter but a little worse variant
String nufix(float n) {
String scrs="KMGTPEZY";
if (abs(n) < 1) {return '.'+str(int(n*10));}
else if (abs(n) < 1000.0) {return str(int(n));}
for(int i=0; i<scrs.length();i++)
if (abs(n) < pow(1000.0,i+2)){
return str(int(n/pow(K,i+1)))+scrs.charAt(i);
return "yo mama";
Factor K in line 8 of your second code needs to be changed for 1000. You can see you have a bug with the sign symbol. Check by running the following code. I rename your first function nufix1() and your second nufix2():