We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
My partner, Gunkirat, and I are interested in applying for The Processing Foundation in Rails Girls Summer of Code. We were thinking of submitting a merge pull request before the application. Can you please guide us and tell us some issues that we can try our hand out? Also, please let us know which part of the project is preferred to be worked on as we wish to prepare a timeline for the same. We are really interested in your project and wish to apply for it as our first preference.
Great to hear you want to get involved! All discussion happens on the github repository over issue threads, feel free to comment on any that you have thoughts about.
This document gives an overview of the development process: http://github.com/processing/p5.js/wiki/Development
Any open issue is up for grabs, there's always general bug squashing that can be done. The issues marked "level:beginner" are good places to start, as is adding examples or fixing typos in the reference. For specific areas that are high priority, check out our project list https://github.com/processing/processing/wiki/Project-List.
Thank you so much! We will have a look and get back to you soon!