Bitdefender Preventing P2D and P3D Sketches From Running

edited February 2017 in Using Processing

Most seasoned users should know that anti-virus might be a cause for sketches not running.

Just a heads-up, for those using Bitdefender 2017 on Windows, if you encounter problem running sketches that uses P2D or P3D renderer, try disabling Active Threat Control. There is no need to disable Firewall or On-Access Scanning in my case. Strangely, I can run Sketches in JAVA2D just fine. The same disablement goes for exported sketch executables using P2D or P3D. However, I still cannot run the 32-bit executable for whatever reasons even after disabling everything; 64bit one runs fine without Active Threat Control.

Alternatively, you can end task jogamp_exe_tst<a series of number>.exe and then end task jogamp_exe_tst<a different series of number>.exe again to run the sketch, be it exported or not.

Hope it helps some new users.


  • @cygig -- thank you do much for sharing this.

    Just in case it matters: with what version of Windows and what version of Processing did you experience this Bitdefender 2016 problem?

  • Bitdefender 2017 on Windows 7 x64 and Processing 3.2.4 x64

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