Plotting a graph in real time for infinite time


Hi, I am showing the IMU data through serial in real time. Now the problem is that if the values exceed the frame then i have to run the program again to further see the values. how can i do something like it will show the graph until i stop the program.thanks

Here is my code

`import processing.serial.*; import java.awt.datatransfer.*; import java.awt.Toolkit; import processing.opengl.*; import saito.objloader.*; import g4p_controls.*;

PGraphics rollG; PGraphics rollG1; PGraphics rollG2; PGraphics pitchG; PGraphics pitchG1; PGraphics pitchG2; PGraphics yawG; PGraphics yawG1; PGraphics yawG2;

float roll = 0.0F; float pitch = 0.0F; float yaw = 0.0F; float temp = 0.0F; float alt = 0.0F; float prevR; float prevR2; float prevP; float prevP2; float prevY; float prevY2;

float roll2 = 0.0F; float pitch2 = 0.0F; float yaw2 = 0.0F;

PFont f;

OBJModel model;

// Serial port state. Serial port; final String serialConfigFile = "serialconfig.txt"; boolean printSerial = false;

// UI controls. GPanel configPanel; GDropList serialList; GLabel serialLabel; GLabel calLabel; GCheckbox printSerialCheckbox;

void setup() { size(800, 800, OPENGL); frameRate(30); rollG=createGraphics(width,height/4); rollG1=createGraphics(width,height/5); rollG2=createGraphics(width,height/5);

pitchG=createGraphics(width,height/4); pitchG1=createGraphics(width,height/5); pitchG2=createGraphics(width,height/5);

yawG=createGraphics(width,height/4); yawG1=createGraphics(width,height/4); yawG2=createGraphics(width,height/4);

// Serial port setup. // Grab list of serial ports and choose one that was persisted earlier or default to the first port. int selectedPort = 0; String[] availablePorts = Serial.list(); if (availablePorts == null) { println("ERROR: No serial ports available!"); exit(); } String[] serialConfig = loadStrings(serialConfigFile); if (serialConfig != null && serialConfig.length > 0) { String savedPort = serialConfig[0]; // Check if saved port is in available ports. for (int i = 0; i < availablePorts.length; ++i) { if (availablePorts[i].equals(savedPort)) { selectedPort = i; } } } // Build serial config UI. configPanel = new GPanel(this, 10, 10, width-20, 90, "Configuration (click to hide/show)"); serialLabel = new GLabel(this, 0, 20, 80, 25, "Serial port:"); configPanel.addControl(serialLabel); serialList = new GDropList(this, 90, 20, 200, 200, 6); serialList.setItems(availablePorts, selectedPort); configPanel.addControl(serialList); calLabel = new GLabel(this, 300, 20, 350, 25, "Calibration: Sys=? Gyro=? Accel=? Mag=?"); configPanel.addControl(calLabel); printSerialCheckbox = new GCheckbox(this, 5, 50, 200, 20, "Print serial data"); printSerialCheckbox.setSelected(printSerial); configPanel.addControl(printSerialCheckbox); // Set serial port. setSerialPort(serialList.getSelectedText()); f = createFont("Arial",16,true);


void draw() {



void drawRoll1() { rollG.beginDraw(); for (int i = 0; i <= width; i += 50) { rollG.fill(0, 255, 0); rollG.textFont(f,26); rollG.text("Roll", 380, 20); //rollG.text(i/2, i-10, height-15); rollG.stroke(255); rollG.line(i, height, i, 0); } for (int j = 0; j < height; j += 33) { rollG.fill(0, 255, 0); //rollG.text(6-j/(height/6), 0, j); rollG.stroke(255); rollG.line(0, j, width, j); }

rollG.endDraw(); image(rollG,0,130);

rollG1.beginDraw(); float plotroll = roll*5; rollG1.stroke(255, 0, 0); rollG1.line(frameCount-1, prevR, frameCount, plotroll); prevR = plotroll;

rollG1.endDraw(); image(rollG1,0,160);


float plotroll2 = roll2*5; rollG2.stroke(0, 255, 0); rollG2.line(frameCount-1, prevR2, frameCount, plotroll2); prevR2 = plotroll2;

rollG2.endDraw(); image(rollG2,0,160);


void drawPitch1() { pitchG.beginDraw(); for (int i = 0; i <= width; i += 50) { pitchG.fill(0, 255, 0); pitchG.textFont(f,26); pitchG.text("Pitch", 380, 20); //pitchG.text(i/2, i-10, height-15); pitchG.stroke(255); pitchG.line(i, height, i, 0); } for (int j = 0; j < height; j += 33) { pitchG.fill(0, 255, 0); //pitchG.text(6-j/(height/6), 0, j); pitchG.stroke(255); pitchG.line(0, j, width, j); }

pitchG.endDraw(); image(pitchG,0,350);

pitchG1.beginDraw(); float plotpitch = pitch*5; pitchG1.stroke(255, 0, 0); pitchG1.line(frameCount-1, prevP, frameCount, plotpitch); prevP = plotpitch;

pitchG1.endDraw(); image(pitchG1,0,360);


float plotpitch2 = pitch2*5; pitchG2.stroke(0, 255, 0); pitchG2.line(frameCount-1, prevP2, frameCount, plotpitch2); prevP2 = plotpitch2;

pitchG2.endDraw(); image(pitchG2,0,360);


void drawYaw1() { yawG.beginDraw(); for (int i = 0; i <= width; i += 50) { yawG.fill(0, 255, 0); yawG.textFont(f,26); yawG.text("Yaw", 380, 20); //yawG.text(i/2, i-10, height-15); yawG.stroke(255); yawG.line(i, height, i, 0); } for (int j = 0; j < height; j += 33) { yawG.fill(0, 255, 0); //yawG.text(6-j/(height/6), 0, j); yawG.stroke(255); yawG.line(0, j, width, j); }

image(yawG,0,570); yawG.endDraw();

yawG1.beginDraw(); float plotyaw = -1*yaw/2;

yawG1.stroke(255, 0, 0); yawG1.line(frameCount-1, prevY, frameCount, plotyaw); prevY = plotyaw;

image(yawG1,0,630); yawG1.endDraw();


float plotyaw2 = -1*yaw2/2; yawG2.stroke(0, 255, 0); yawG2.line(frameCount-1, prevY2, frameCount, plotyaw2); prevY2 = plotyaw2;

image(yawG2,0,630); yawG2.endDraw();


void serialEvent(Serial p) { String incoming = p.readString(); if (printSerial) { println(incoming); }

if ((incoming.length() > 8)) { String[] list = split(incoming, " "); if ( (list.length > 0) && (list[0].equals("Orientation:")) ) {

  roll  = float(list[1]); // Roll = Z
  pitch = float(list[2]); // Pitch = Y 
  yaw   = float(list[3]); // Yaw/Heading = X


 if ( (list.length > 0) && (list[0].equals("Orientation2:")) ) 

  roll2  = float(list[1]); // Roll = Z
  pitch2 = float(list[2]); // Pitch = Y 
  yaw2   = float(list[3]); // Yaw/Heading = X


if ( (list.length > 0) && (list[0].equals("Alt:")) ) 
  alt  = float(list[1]);
if ( (list.length > 0) && (list[0].equals("Temp:")) ) 
  temp  = float(list[1]);
if ( (list.length > 0) && (list[0].equals("Calibration:")) )
  int sysCal   = int(list[1]);
  int gyroCal  = int(list[2]);
  int accelCal = int(list[3]);
  int magCal   = int(list[4]);
  calLabel.setText("Calibration: Sys=" + sysCal + " Gyro=" + gyroCal + " Accel=" + accelCal + " Mag=" + magCal);

} }

// Set serial port to desired value. void setSerialPort(String portName) { // Close the port if it's currently open. if (port != null) { port.stop(); } try { // Open port. port = new Serial(this, portName, 115200); port.bufferUntil('\n'); // Persist port in configuration. saveStrings(serialConfigFile, new String[] { portName }); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { // Swallow error if port can't be opened, keep port closed. port = null; } }

// UI event handlers

void handlePanelEvents(GPanel panel, GEvent event) { // Panel events, do nothing. }

void handleDropListEvents(GDropList list, GEvent event) { // Drop list events, check if new serial port is selected. if (list == serialList) { setSerialPort(serialList.getSelectedText()); } }

void handleToggleControlEvents(GToggleControl checkbox, GEvent event) { // Checkbox toggle events, check if print events is toggled. if (checkbox == printSerialCheckbox) { printSerial = printSerialCheckbox.isSelected(); } }`



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  • edited January 2017

    @hassan548 -- re:

    how can i do something like it will show the graph until i stop the program?

    What do you want to happen? Do you want it to go back to the left side of the screen and keep drawing, covering up the older values? Do you want it to scroll, writing new values on the left edge and moving old ones to the right? Do you want the graphs to zoom out and get smaller and smaller as they get longer, so that you can see the whole thing?

  • @jeremydouglass Do you know if there is a std name for all those three plotting modes?


  • edited January 2017

    @kfrajer -- I don't know if there is a standard set of terms for these plotting modes, although there are some common ones in individualizations, scientific instrumentation and medical monitoring etc.

    1. Wrap, wrap-around, sweep, overwrite, or loop mode keeps going back to x=0 and overwriting the old graph data. The write position is x%graphWidth.
    2. Scroll, continuous, or feed mode may begin drawing at the far edge (e.g. right edge) and moving old results away (left). Or it may begin as a normal graph at the left edge, move right, then switch to the first behavior once it hits the right edge and the graph is full.
    3. I'm not sure if there is a standard term for zooming out every time the far edge (e.g. right) needs another unit of free space. Zoom or scale mode, perhaps?

    Here is an example:

    Scroll Mode: Specify one of the following scroll modes for the strip chart:

    1. Sweep mode—Allow new data to overwrite old data as it wraps past the right and starts over on the left.
    2. Continuous mode—Scroll data off the left edge of the plot area as new data appears on the right.
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