We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
this is what i got so far
int i=1; int nxtx; int nxty; float ang=0; float speed=10; int posx=50; int posy=300; PVector[]dots=new PVector[50]; void setup(){ background(128); size(800,600); frameRate(15); ellipseMode(RADIUS); fill(#FAF312); for(int i=0;i<50;i++){ dots[i]=new PVector(random(0,width),random(0,height));} } void draw() { background(128); stroke(10); strokeWeight(10); for(int i=0;i<50;i++){ point(dots[i].x,dots[i].y);} noStroke(); resetShader(); //ang=atan2(mouseY-posy,mouseX-posx); nxtx=posx+=speedcos(ang); nxty=posy+=speedsin(ang); if(nxty<=width1) if(nxty<=height1) translate(posx,posy); rotate(ang); arc(5,0,100,100,.4,6); if(i==1){arc(5,0,100,100,.7,6); i=-i;} else{ellipse(5,0,100,100); i=-i;} //if(keyPressed==){ if(keyPressed==true){ if(keyCode==UP){ang=-PI/2;} if(keyCode==DOWN){ang=PI/2;} if(keyCode==LEFT){ang=PI;} if(keyCode==RIGHT){ang=0;} }}
sorry its not coming out right
Edit your post. Select the code. Hit ctrl + o.
and please don't start duplicate threads.
This just got stupider. Despite being told to search the forum, you just created a new thread again.
i did but the coding there didn't work
My code did work
You are not formatting your code properly for this forum. To add the proper formatting, select your code after you've pasted it, and press ctrl + o. This will add 4 spaces to the front of every line, which is what tells the forum that it should be formatted as code.
Chrisir has posted a fixed, properly formatted version of your code. What, exactly, is the problem?
i need to make pac man eat the dots i know what i need to do i just don't know how to do it
my pac man eats dots using the dist function
Did you try my code at all??