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Hello guys, I made a simple total pixel sorting (it is more like a color sorting of images) and I wanted to share it with you. Inspired by Pixel Sorting by Kim Asendorf. The polar algorithm is by Amnon Owed.
Feel free to edit and/or to fork it, click here for the GitHub link.
// Sorting mode
// 0: cartesian
// 1: polar
// 2: random
// 3: Noise
// 4: circular
int mode = 4;
String[] modes = {"cartesian", "polar", "random", "noise", "circular"};
// Input image
PImage input;
// Density and factor for the polar conversion
// Feel free to play with these numbers
float density = 0.25;
float factor = 0.5;
// Output processed image
PImage output;
color averageColor;
// textfont
PFont f;
int index = 1;
String pricturename = "input_1";
void settings() {
// Window size
size(600, 800);
void setup() {
// Input image
input = loadImage("" + picturename + ".jpg");
// Create an empty image with the same size an input image
output = createImage(input.width, input.height, RGB);
f = loadFont("SourceCodePro-Light-8.vlw");
// If mode is Circular, make the sketch running on a square windows
// So the circular shape will fit better
if (mode == 4) surface.setSize(800, 800);
void draw() {
sortng(); // pixel sorting
averageColor(); // Caltulate average color
drawText(); // Draw text on the render
// No loop, since it is useless
void sortng() {
// Create an array of colors that stores the colors of all pixels of the image
color[] c = new color[input.pixels.length];
// Stores all the pixels colors
c = input.pixels;
// Sort the entire colors of the pixels by values
c = sort(c);
if (mode == 0) {
// Make the output image pixels equals to the sorted pixels array
output.pixels = c;
} else if (mode == 1) {
// Amnon Owed algorithm for Cartesian-to-Polar conversion on image
// Link on the description
for (float y=0; y<input.height; y+=density) {
float r = y * factor;
for (float x=0; x<input.width; x+=density) {
float q = map(x, output.width, 0, 0, TWO_PI)-HALF_PI;
int polarX = int(r * cos(q)) + output.width/2;
int polarY = int(r * sin(q)) + output.height/2;
polarX = constrain(polarX, 0, output.width-1);
polarY = constrain(polarY, 0, output.height-1);
int outputIndex = polarX + polarY * output.width;
int inputIndex = int(x) + int(y) * input.width;
output.pixels[outputIndex] = c[inputIndex];
} else if (mode == 2) {
// Random pixel sorting
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
output.pixels[i] = c[int(random(c.length))];
} else if (mode == 3) {
// Perlin noise pixel sorting
float rand = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
output.pixels[i] = c[int(noise(rand)*(c.length)-1)];
} else if (mode == 4) {
vertex(width/2, height/2);
for (int i = 0; i <= 360; i++) {
int index = int(map(i, 0, 360, 0, c.length));
//int ind = abs(int(cos(map(index, 0, c.length, 0, PI)*c.length-1)));
int ind = int(sin(map(index, 0, c.length, 0, PI))*(c.length-1));
float x = width/2 + cos(radians(i))*width*0.4;
float y = height/2+sin(radians(i))*height*0.4;
vertex(x, y);
// Show output processed picture
if (mode != 4) { // If the mode is not Circular, show the image, otherwise we have the shape drawed
image(output, width/2, height/2, width*0.9, height*0.9);
// Calculate the average color of the input image
void averageColor() {
int avgR = 0;
int avgG = 0;
int avgB = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < input.pixels.length; i++) {
avgR += red(input.pixels[i]);
avgG += green(input.pixels[i]);
avgB += blue(input.pixels[i]);
avgR /= input.pixels.length;
avgG /= input.pixels.length;
avgB /= input.pixels.length;
averageColor = color(avgR, avgG, avgB);
// Draw the text
void drawText() {
textAlign(LEFT, CENTER);
text("average color: " + hex(averageColor), width*0.05, height*0.975);
text("mode: " + modes[mode], width*0.05, height*0.025);
textAlign(RIGHT, CENTER);
text("simple total pixel sorting", width*0.95, height*0.975);
Thanks for sharing!
Could you add a bit more detail about what pixel sorting means? Are you sorting based on color? Why do you see horizontals stripes in the first image?
@KessonDalef -- thank you for sharing!
I added a keypress to allow users to browse through all five pixel sorting modes.
(People wanting to quickly play with this sketch may want to drop the custom font lines.)
Here is what it looks like when run on the Processing3 logo:
@kfrajer It is a simple color sorting (rather than pixel sorting), so it takes all the color of a picture ant sort them based on the type of sorting choosen.
@jeremydouglass That's nice!!