How do I make the lives go down by 1 when the green rectangle touches one of the red one?

tab 1: ArrayList < Car > cars; PFont f; float x1, y1, lives1; boolean x2;

void setup () { size(700, 700); cars = new ArrayList(); for (int count=0; count < 20; count=count+1) { cars.add(new Car()); } f=createFont("Arial", 24, true); x1= width-690; y1=height-10; x2=true; lives1=10; }

void draw () { background(255); fill(#0EFF03); rect(mouseX, mouseY, 30, 50) ; lives() ; for (int count=0; count < 20; count=count+1) { cars.get(count).display(); cars.get(count).move(); } }

void lives() { textFont(f); fill(245, 200, 0); text("lives:" + lives1, x1, y1); }

tab 2: class Car { float x, y; float speed;

Car() { x = random(10, width-10); y = 0; speed = random(1, 5); }

void display () { fill(255, 0, 0); noStroke(); rect(x, y, 30, 50); }

void move() { y = y + speed; if(y > height) { y = 0; x = random(10, width-10); } }

void losinglives1(){ if (dist(x, y, mouseX, mouseY)<15) { lives1=lives1-1; } } }



  • How can you tell if two grid-aligned rectangles are touching? (Hint: Where are the corners?)

    Then you should write a function that determines if two rectangles are touching. Such a function should take, as parameters, the positions and size of both rectangles, and return either true (if they touch) or false (if they do not).

    Can you write a sketch that demonstrates your collision detecting function works?

    Now use that function in your original sketch. Remember: You only want to lose a life if there are rectangles colliding NOW, and they weren't colliding BEFORE. You might need an additional variable to record if they were colliding in the previous frame...

  • can you just write it for me please?

  • can you just write it for me please?

    Sure! Shoot me an email (tfguy44 at gmail dot com) and we can discuss it. My rates are very reasonable!

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