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I am trying to do something simple. I draw a rectangle in the middle of the window, and I want to erase it by 10*10 white rectangle Which will simply fill the window with background color white, but the main problem is:
first question: I move the eraser from left to right in the first line but I really don't know How the eraser will be shifted one line below so that it can goes ahead from right to left ?
second question: This move, left to right-right to left, goes on till the bigger rectangle disappear. I think that this move will be an if under the for function, right?
Here is an example:
There are other ways to achieve this, i've chosen this one, because i thinks it's easier to understand.
Thank you Benja. I got the idea. I guess my only problem is moving eraser from right to left right now. I should figure it out, but you gave me the first step thanks again.
Oh i think i did not read that part of your question.
If you have problems, feel free to ask again, it's not much you would have to change.
Hi again Benja, I made this: but How can I put 'İf' statements in a 'for' with this way?
Not sure where you want to use a for-loop here.
But multiplying "z" with -1 seems like a good way to go. You might just want to re-assign it to z then. So the direction of the eraser gets inverted after every line.
z = z * -1;
But you don't only want to do this when x get larger than your right border, you want to do it too, when you hit the left one.
So you can change your if-statement to somehting like this:
if (x >= 500 || x<100) {
As you can see in the move function, eraser first goes one line to right and then one line to left after going one line down. Thus, I can erase two line with this function. But, I want to put this motion into a loop so that the eraser can do this action till y hit the end? Doesn't it make sense?
No it doesn't. With a loop you can erase as many parts as you want. But since the display will only be updated at the end of draw, so you won't see the single steps, the big rectangle will completely be erased. So the actual loop that you want to use id draw().
You want to change the position for your white rectangle once every frame. You can do this by calling the move()-function, as you did. But you do the direction change only once, as mentioned above, you could do it every time your x get larger than the right border or smaller than the left border.
I would try to use variable-names that help to understand what they are representing. "Object", "a" and "z" could mean everything. If you always try to find "speaking" names, it will help you and others a lot to understnad what's going on in your code.
Someone else recently had a similar problem -- they wanted to do a 2D looping activity and update one step each time draw was called (so that they could see it happening). Here was that discussion:
Never late to say thanks: Thank you
And please don't name your custom class as Object. It is the base class for all the classes (atleast those built by a user) in Java.
It's currently not causing trouble as you're using the Processing IDE. Try with basic Java, and problems should pop up unless you're careful of the way you create instances of your class.
Thanks Lord_of_Galaxy, right now I don't understand fully What do you mean because I don't know Java. I have recently got in processing and kept learning with videos, but I will keep that in mind.
Ok. Basically, Processing is just Java under the hood. That's why I told you not to name your class as Object.
But in the Daniel Shiffman videos, he always name the classes with object. I am getting confused. Why this codding world is so messy? Someone says that this is A and after that other one claims this is B. ( maybe it is because there are many ways to solve a problem) Anyway, many thanks for helping me. I think When I get the whole point I may see the difference, but seems that it takes time. Again, thanks so much.
Well, the reason he does that is because as long as you stick with the Processing IDE, it won't cause any problems. But it's not a good programming practice.
Hi everyone, I made it. Thank you for your patience and help. Here is the code:
well done!
there are things that can be discussed though:
I wouldn't name your speed as z, because z is usually seen as the depth (together with x,y,z in 3D).
in line 18 and 21 you increase the speed (you use 12 instead of 10) and have plain numbers in the code (12). It would be better to use z instead. Because when you now want to increase or decrease the speed as a programmer (e.g.
float speedX=2; //speed
), you need to change it in 3 places in your code, not only in one place. This is always a bad sign for your code.Your also add z (the speed) to your y to go to the next line:
. This is dangerous since the offset for the next line has nothing to do with your speed. The offset y is rather the size of the rectangle. Speed and size of the rectangle is not the same. When you mix those things up in the future you will get into trouble. Better name values like speed (instead of z) and rectSize (instead of 12) and use them consistently.Here is my version.
Best, Chrisir ;-)
your rectangle has now these properties:
can you make it into a class?
you could also fill a 3D cube with your rect / box
Well first here it is in class. I hope I did not make mistake. It works. I have to make x position 90, because the difference between rectSize (you named sizeRect) and speed.
Secondly, yes I should named variables properly you are right, but I have not get the 3D part yet. I checked out and now I am aware of it.
I thought that if eraser go to next line the y position should have +value (like a gravity) so that's why it worked.I am enlightened. I mean my method was wrong but my way of thinking was right.
Third, yes my next step for this project put it in a 3D. Many thanks.
Something that I clearly don't understand is why your class is called "Eraser"? A very strange name for something that just draws rectangles with no stroke and white fill.
Yes you are right but that's how you erase something. I mean the background is white so it paints again with white color to erase a black rectangle. It is same effect. How could else make this effect in another way?
Ok, if you say so.
@Sinsinati --
The other way to do this is a bit more complicated:
PGraphics page
to wipe the screen, then apply the page usingimage(page,0,0)
.Note that this approach will work with drawing and erasing on top of anything -- for example, on top of a photograph -- while the colored rectangle method will only work on top of a solid color background.
Good idea from jeremydouglass, that's what I meant anyway.
Well I do not know I did it or not properly bu I got the point that with PGraphics each layer is independent and makes 'eraser' 'MoverBackAndForth' 'MoverLinewise' and now 'sq' free from color background. Thanks jeremydouglass and thanks for contributions Chrisir , Lord_of_the_Galaxy . Here is the code:
The big advantage of PGraphics is that it won't be cleared by calling background in the sketch's draw() method.
That means that you can shift lines 17 to 20 of your code to setup().
Also remember that your current code will make your "rect" leave a trail.