Problem Getting Using Processing In Android Mode To Get Date and Time?

edited December 2013 in Android Mode

Dear Processing Forum,

I am trying to develop my own art related wearable technology projects for experimenting with collective experience. I am keen to integrate Arduino based custom circuit boards, Android phone handsets running sketches coded in Processing, and The Web to store view data.

I m using Processing 2.0

My first step towards this has been to go through the Making Things Talk 2 tutorial: Mobile Phone Networks and The Physical World Page 401 : Project 31 - Personal Mobile Datalogger

I m having trouble running the Processing for Android sketch on page 408


This code can be found online here:

Then Chapter10.... P4ADatalogger..... P4ADatalogger.pde

I have rewritten part of the code as it used screenWidth and screenHeight (I replaced these with displayWidth and displayHeight - these parts of the code are now compiling)

However, when i try to run the code on my device (Android Nexus 4) i get the following error:

        [javac] Compiling 3 source files to /var/folders/b6/k9d93zl514d735ngymcnl79c0000gn/T/android8689530784054544998sketch/bin/classes
        [javac] /var/folders/b6/k9d93zl514d735ngymcnl79c0000gn/T/android8689530784054544998sketch/src/processing/test/p4adatalogger/ cannot find symbol
        [javac] symbol  : method getTime()
        [javac] location: class processing.test.p4adatalogger.P4ADatalogger
        [javac]   text(getTime(), 10, displayHeight/4 + 60);
        [javac]        ^
        [javac] /var/folders/b6/k9d93zl514d735ngymcnl79c0000gn/T/android8689530784054544998sketch/src/processing/test/p4adatalogger/ cannot find symbol
        [javac] symbol  : method getTime()
        [javac] location: class processing.test.p4adatalogger.P4ADatalogger
        [javac]       currentReadings += getTime() +"," + thisReading;
        [javac]                          ^
        [javac] /var/folders/b6/k9d93zl514d735ngymcnl79c0000gn/T/android8689530784054544998sketch/src/processing/test/p4adatalogger/ cannot find symbol
        [javac] symbol  : method getTime()
        [javac] location: class processing.test.p4adatalogger.P4ADatalogger
        [javac]     lastSendTime = getTime();    // a String to print on the screen
        [javac]                    ^
        [javac] 3 errors

    /Users/dm-shoes/Downloads/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20130522/sdk/tools/ant/build.xml:713: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    /Users/dm-shoes/Downloads/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20130522/sdk/tools/ant/build.xml:727: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

    Total time: 3 seconds

It seems there is a problem finding the symbol: [javac] symbol : method getTime()

can i replace


with another method that will compile?

Can anyone please help to get this sketch working?

Thanks in advance


  • I am unaware of any method getTime(). Perhaps this is part of the example and was left out? A possible alternative is System.currentTimeMillis(), which returns a long value that respresents the current system time in milliseconds.

  • edited December 2013

    Thanks for taking a look at this Calsign i ll try using System.currentTimeMillis() instead. I ll let you know how i get on. Here is the full example code incase it helps:

     Receives data via Bluetooth every ten seconds
     Uploads data via HTTP every two minutes
     Context: Processing, Android mode
    // import cc.arduino.btserial.*;
    // instance of the library:
    BtSerial bt;
    int readInterval = 10;      // in seconds
    int sendInterval = 2;       // in minutes
    int lastRead = second();    // the seconds last time you read
    int lastSend = minute();    // the minute last time you read
    String lastSendTime;         // String timestamp of last  server update
    // URL of your PHP Script: <--------- NEED TO CHANGE THIS TO MY WEBSITE
    String url = "";
    String currentReadings = ""; // group of readings, with datestamps
    String thisReading;          // most recent reading
    String connectionState = ""; // connected to Bluetooth or not?
    // ned to download APWidgets and use APButton to get the next bit to work....
    Button readButton;           // Button for prompting immediate read - problem here defining Button (its not red???)
    Button sendButton;           // Button for prompting immediate send
    boolean updateNow = false;   // flag to force an update
    boolean sendNow = false;     // flag to force a send
    // color scheme from
    // deep optimism by nicanore:
    color bgColor = #2B0D15 ;
    color textColor = #FFEB97 ;
    color buttonColor = #565F63 ;
    color buttonHighlightColor = #ACBD9B ;
    void setup() {
      // set color scheme:
      // Setup Fonts:
      String[] fontList = PFont.list();
      PFont androidFont = createFont(fontList[0], 24, true);
      textFont(androidFont, 24);
      // instantiate the library:
      bt = new BtSerial( this );
      // try to connect to Bluetooth:
      connectionState = connect();
     readButton = new Button(displayWidth/2 - 100, 2* displayHeight/3, 200, 60, buttonColor, buttonHighlightColor, "Get Reading");
     sendButton = new Button(displayWidth/2 - 100, 2*displayHeight/3 + 80, 200, 60, buttonColor, buttonHighlightColor, "Send Reading");
    void draw() {
      // display data onscreen:
      text(connectionState, 10, displayHeight/4);
      text(getTime(), 10, displayHeight/4 + 60);
      text("latest reading (volts): " + thisReading, 10, displayHeight/4 + 90);
      text("Server updated at:\n" + lastSendTime, 10, displayHeight/4 + 120);
      // draw the buttons:
      if (sendNow) {
        text("sending to server, please wait...", 10, displayHeight/4 - 60);
      // if the update interval has passed, 
      // or updateNow is true, update automatically:
      if (abs(second() - lastRead) >= readInterval || updateNow) {
        thisReading = getData();
        // if you got a valid reading, add a timestamp:
        if (thisReading != null) {      
          currentReadings += getTime() +"," + thisReading;
          // take note of when you last updated:
          lastRead = second();
          // you've updated, no need to do it again until prompted:
          updateNow = false;
      // if the send interval has passed, 
      // or sendNow is true, update automatically:
      if (abs(minute() - lastSend) >= sendInterval || sendNow ) {
        // get the time two ways:
        lastSendTime = getTime();    // a String to print on the screen
        lastSend = minute();         // an int for further comparison
      // if the read button changed from not pressed to pressed,
      // set updateNow, to force an update next time through the
      // loop. Do the same for the send butto and sendNow, right below:
      if (readButton.isPressed() && !readButton.getLastState()) {
        updateNow = true;
      //save the state of the button for next check:
      if (sendButton.isPressed() && !sendButton.getLastState()) {
        sendNow = true;
      //save the state of the button for next check:
    void pause() {
      // if you have any readings, send them:
      if (!currentReadings.equals("")) {
      // stop the Bluetooth connection so you can start it again:
      if (bt != null && bt.isConnected()) {
    String connect() {
      String result = "Bluetooth not initialized yet...";
      if (bt !=null) {
        // if you are connnected, get data:
        if (!bt.isConnected() ) {  
          // get the list of paired devices:
          String[] pairedDevices = bt.list();
          if (pairedDevices.length > 0) {
            // open a connection to the first one:
            bt.connect( pairedDevices[0] );
            result = "Connected to \n" + bt.getName();
        else {
          result = "Couldn't get any paired devices";
      return result;
    String getData() {
      String result = ""; 
      if (bt != null) {
        // if you are connnected, get data:
        if ( bt.isConnected() ) {    
          // send data to get new data:
          // wait for incoming data:
          while (bt.available () == 0);
          // if there are incoming bytes available, read them:
          while (bt.available () > 0) {
            // add the incoming bytes to the result string:
            result += char(;
          // get the last character of the result string:
          char lastChar = result.charAt(result.length() - 1);
          // make sure it's a newline, or you don't have valid data:
          if (lastChar != '\n') {
            result = null;
        } // if you're not connected, try to pair:
        else {
          connectionState = connect();
      return result;
    void sendData(String thisData) {
      // if there's data to send
      if (thisData != null) {
        // URL-encode the data and URL:
        String sendString = formatData(url + thisData);
        //send the data via HTTP GET:
        String[] result = loadStrings(sendString);
        // clear currentReadings to get more:
        String currentReadings = "";
    String formatData(String thisString) {
      // convert newlines, carriage returns, and 
      // spaces to HTML-safe equivalent:
      String result = thisString.replaceAll(" ", "%20");
      result = result.replaceAll("\n", "%0A");
      result = result.replaceAll("\r", "%0D");
      return result;
    // get the date and time as a String:
    String getTime() {
      Date currentDate = new Date();
      return currentDate.toString();
    // The Button class defines the behavior and look
    // of the onscreen buttons.  Their behavior is slightly
    // different on a touchscreen than on a mouse-based
    // screen, because there is no mouseClick handler.
    class Button {
      int x, y, w, h;                    // positions of the buttons
      color basecolor, highlightcolor;   // color and highlight color
      color currentcolor;                // current color of the button
      String name;                       // name on the button
      boolean pressedLastTime;           // if it was pressed last time 
      // Constructor: sets all the initial values for 
      // each instance of the Button class
      Button(int thisX, int thisY, int thisW, int thisH, 
      color thisColor, color thisHighlight, String thisName) {
        x = thisX;
        y = thisY;
        h = thisH;
        w = thisW;
        basecolor = thisColor;
        highlightcolor = thisHighlight;
        currentcolor = basecolor;
        name = thisName;
        pressedLastTime = false;
      // draw the button and its text:
      void display() {
        // if pressed, change the color:
        if (isPressed()) {
          currentcolor = highlightcolor;
        else {    
          currentcolor = basecolor;
        rect(x, y, w, h);
        //put the name in the middle of the button:
        text(name, x+w/2, y+h/2);
      // check to see if the mouse position is inside
      // the bounds of the rectangle and sets its current state:
      boolean isPressed() {
        if (mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x+w && 
          mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y+h && mousePressed) {
          return true;
        else {
          return false;
      //this method is for setting the state of the button
      // last time it was checked, as opposed to its
      // current state:
      void setLastState(boolean state) {
        pressedLastTime = state;
      boolean getLastState() {
        return pressedLastTime;
  • There is indeed a method getTime() at line 201:

    String getTime() {
      Date currentDate = new Date();
      return currentDate.toString();

    I don't know why you get such an error when compiling...

  • I tried using System.currentTimeMillis() instead of getTime The sketch now compiles and runs on my Nexus4 handset!! I need to change a few things to get it running correctly but i feel like it's nearly there!! Thanks for this help Calsign. Here is the altered code:

     Receives data via Bluetooth every ten seconds
     Uploads data via HTTP every two minutes
     Context: Processing, Android mode
    //import cc.arduino.btserial.*;
    // instance of the library:
    BtSerial bt;
    int readInterval = 10;      // in seconds
    int sendInterval = 2;       // in minutes
    int lastRead = second();    // the seconds last time you read
    int lastSend = minute();    // the minute last time you read
    String lastSendTime;         // String timestamp of last  server update
    // URL of your PHP Script:
    String url = "";
    String currentReadings = ""; // group of readings, with datestamps
    String thisReading;          // most recent reading
    String connectionState = ""; // connected to Bluetooth or not?
    // ned to download APWidgets and use APButton to get the next bit to work....
    Button readButton;           // Button for prompting immediate read - problem here defining Button (its not red???)
    Button sendButton;           // Button for prompting immediate send
    boolean updateNow = false;   // flag to force an update
    boolean sendNow = false;     // flag to force a send
    // color scheme from
    // deep optimism by nicanore:
    color bgColor = #2B0D15 ;
    color textColor = #FFEB97 ;
    color buttonColor = #565F63 ;
    color buttonHighlightColor = #ACBD9B ;
    void setup() {
      // set color scheme:
      // Setup Fonts:
      String[] fontList = PFont.list();
      PFont androidFont = createFont(fontList[0], 24, true);
      textFont(androidFont, 24);
      // instantiate the library:
      bt = new BtSerial( this );
      // try to connect to Bluetooth:
      connectionState = connect();
     readButton = new Button(displayWidth/2 - 100, 2* displayHeight/3, 200, 60, buttonColor, buttonHighlightColor, "Get Reading");
     sendButton = new Button(displayWidth/2 - 100, 2*displayHeight/3 + 80, 200, 60, buttonColor, buttonHighlightColor, "Send Reading");
    void draw() {
      // display data onscreen:
      text(connectionState, 10, displayHeight/4);
      text(getTime(), 10, displayHeight/4 + 60);
      text("latest reading (volts): " + thisReading, 10, displayHeight/4 + 90);
      text("Server updated at:\n" + lastSendTime, 10, displayHeight/4 + 120);
      // draw the buttons:
      if (sendNow) {
        text("sending to server, please wait...", 10, displayHeight/4 - 60);
      // if the update interval has passed, 
      // or updateNow is true, update automatically:
      if (abs(second() - lastRead) >= readInterval || updateNow) {
        thisReading = getData();
        // if you got a valid reading, add a timestamp:
        if (thisReading != null) {      
          currentReadings += getTime() +"," + thisReading;
          // take note of when you last updated:
          lastRead = second();
          // you've updated, no need to do it again until prompted:
          updateNow = false;
      // if the send interval has passed, 
      // or sendNow is true, update automatically:
      if (abs(minute() - lastSend) >= sendInterval || sendNow ) {
        // get the time two ways:
        lastSendTime = getTime();    // a String to print on the screen
        lastSend = minute();         // an int for further comparison
      // if the read button changed from not pressed to pressed,
      // set updateNow, to force an update next time through the
      // loop. Do the same for the send butto and sendNow, right below:
      if (readButton.isPressed() && !readButton.getLastState()) {
        updateNow = true;
      //save the state of the button for next check:
      if (sendButton.isPressed() && !sendButton.getLastState()) {
        sendNow = true;
      //save the state of the button for next check:
    void pause() {
      // if you have any readings, send them:
      if (!currentReadings.equals("")) {
      // stop the Bluetooth connection so you can start it again:
      if (bt != null && bt.isConnected()) {
    String connect() {
      String result = "Bluetooth not initialized yet...";
      if (bt !=null) {
        // if you are connnected, get data:
        if (!bt.isConnected() ) {  
          // get the list of paired devices:
          String[] pairedDevices = bt.list();
          if (pairedDevices.length > 0) {
            // open a connection to the first one:
            bt.connect( pairedDevices[0] );
            result = "Connected to \n" + bt.getName();
        else {
          result = "Couldn't get any paired devices";
      return result;
    String getData() {
      String result = ""; 
      if (bt != null) {
        // if you are connnected, get data:
        if ( bt.isConnected() ) {    
          // send data to get new data:
          // wait for incoming data:
          while (bt.available () == 0);
          // if there are incoming bytes available, read them:
          while (bt.available () > 0) {
            // add the incoming bytes to the result string:
            result += char(;
          // get the last character of the result string:
          char lastChar = result.charAt(result.length() - 1);
          // make sure it's a newline, or you don't have valid data:
          if (lastChar != '\n') {
            result = null;
        } // if you're not connected, try to pair:
        else {
          connectionState = connect();
      return result;
    void sendData(String thisData) {
      // if there's data to send
      if (thisData != null) {
        // URL-encode the data and URL:
        String sendString = formatData(url + thisData);
        //send the data via HTTP GET:
        String[] result = loadStrings(sendString);
        // clear currentReadings to get more:
        String currentReadings = "";
    String formatData(String thisString) {
      // convert newlines, carriage returns, and 
      // spaces to HTML-safe equivalent:
      String result = thisString.replaceAll(" ", "%20");
      result = result.replaceAll("\n", "%0A");
      result = result.replaceAll("\r", "%0D");
      return result;
    // get the date and time as a String:
    String getTime() {
      //original code:
     // Date currentDate = new Date();
    // return currentDate.toString();
     //tried: but didtnt work
     // System.out.print("\nDate:
     // "+df.format(cal.getTime()));
     //next thing to try...
     long startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
     long current = System.currentTimeMillis() - startMillis;
    // return System.currentTimeMillis() - startMillis;
       String s=""+current;
       return s;
      //Calender doesnt work either
     // Date d = null;
    ///Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
    //cal.set(1900 + year, month, day);
    //d = cal.getTime();
    // The Button class defines the behavior and look
    // of the onscreen buttons.  Their behavior is slightly
    // different on a touchscreen than on a mouse-based
    // screen, because there is no mouseClick handler.
    class Button {
      int x, y, w, h;                    // positions of the buttons
      color basecolor, highlightcolor;   // color and highlight color
      color currentcolor;                // current color of the button
      String name;                       // name on the button
      boolean pressedLastTime;           // if it was pressed last time 
      // Constructor: sets all the initial values for 
      // each instance of the Button class
      Button(int thisX, int thisY, int thisW, int thisH, 
      color thisColor, color thisHighlight, String thisName) {
        x = thisX;
        y = thisY;
        h = thisH;
        w = thisW;
        basecolor = thisColor;
        highlightcolor = thisHighlight;
        currentcolor = basecolor;
        name = thisName;
        pressedLastTime = false;
      // draw the button and its text:
      void display() {
        // if pressed, change the color:
        if (isPressed()) {
          currentcolor = highlightcolor;
        else {    
          currentcolor = basecolor;
        rect(x, y, w, h);
        //put the name in the middle of the button:
        text(name, x+w/2, y+h/2);
      // check to see if the mouse position is inside
      // the bounds of the rectangle and sets its current state:
      boolean isPressed() {
        if (mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x+w && 
          mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y+h && mousePressed) {
          return true;
        else {
          return false;
      //this method is for setting the state of the button
      // last time it was checked, as opposed to its
      // current state:
      void setLastState(boolean state) {
        pressedLastTime = state;
      boolean getLastState() {
        return pressedLastTime;
  • My next step is to check that the new code beginning line 199:

    // get the date and time as a String:
    String getTime() {
      //original code:
     // Date currentDate = new Date();
    // return currentDate.toString();
     //tried: but didtnt work
     // System.out.print("\nDate:
     // "+df.format(cal.getTime()));
     //next thing to try...
     long startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
     long current = System.currentTimeMillis() - startMillis;
    // return System.currentTimeMillis() - startMillis;
       String s=""+current;
       return s;
      //Calender doesnt work either
     // Date d = null;
    ///Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
    //cal.set(1900 + year, month, day);
    //d = cal.getTime();

    Will be found by line 63 in void draw() {

    text(getTime(), 10, displayHeight/4 + 60);

    I ll let you know how i get on!!

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