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//Processing 3.0; I'm new to processing and I made this fun little dance app for a Chemical Brothers song I thought I would share. It uses the pc/mac camera, beat.detect, and state/events to control the timing of the shape changes. I had such a great time making it near the end (although figuring it out was brutal). I'm sure with some automation and some new states it could be an amazing dance app! Remember to load the openCV, video, and minim libraries (Sketch > Import Library)!
//video background
import gab.opencv.*;
import processing.video.*;
import java.awt.*;
Capture video;
OpenCV opencv;
// sound files
import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
Minim minim;
AudioPlayer song;
BeatDetect beat;
float eRadius;
int unit = 110;
int count;
Heads[] heads; // array of heads
// sets timed events
int Times[] = {86500, 86500, 86500, 86500, 86500, 86500, 82500, 78500, 70500, 80500, 84500, 86500, 86500, 86500, 86500, 86500, 86500, 86500, 86500, 86500, 86500 };
void setup() {
size(640, 480);
video = new Capture(this, 640/2, 480/2);
// sound file
minim = new Minim(this);
// this loads the song from the data folder
song = minim.loadFile("01 - Sometimes I Feel So Deserted.mp3");
// beat
beat = new BeatDetect();
eRadius = 20;
// define array of heads
int wideCount = 5; // sets width of the heads
int highCount = 4; // sets height of the heads
count = wideCount * highCount; // determines total number
heads = new Heads[count]; // calculates count of heads
int index = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < highCount; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < wideCount; x++) {
heads[index++] = new Heads(x*unit, y*unit, unit/2, unit/2, unit, unit, Times[index]); // array of heads
void draw() {
background (0);
// video
tint(255, 30);
image(video, 0, 0 );
// draws head
for (Heads a_head : heads)
void captureEvent(Capture c) {
//class for heads
class Heads {
int xOffset;
int yOffset;
float x, y;
int unit;
float speed;
int state;
int r = 50; // radius
int crazyTime; //timed units
//stores the last time the state changed.
long lastStateChange;
int MAX_STATE = 1;
// Constructor
Heads(int xOffsetTemp, int yOffsetTemp, int xTemp, int yTemp, float speedTemp, int tempUnit, int crazy) {
xOffset = xOffsetTemp;
yOffset = yOffsetTemp;
x = xTemp;
y = yTemp;
speed = speedTemp;
unit = tempUnit;
crazyTime = crazy;
lastStateChange = millis();
// Custom method for drawing the object; states
void drawMe() {
switch(state) {
case 0:
state0(); //green, beat square still
case 1:
state1(); // square heads / green / move side to side
case 2:
state2(); //beat circle
case 3:
state3(); // crazy circles wide / no beat detect // white // opacity
state2(); //beat circle
case 4:
state4(); // crazy circles long / no beat detect / pink / 50% opacity
state2(); //beat circle
case 5:
state5(); //blue
state2(); //beat circle
case 6:
state6(); //white circle
state2(); //beat circle
case 7:
state4(); // crazy circles long / no beat detect / pink / 50% opacity
state2(); //beat circle
case 8:
state5(); //blue
state2(); //beat circle
case 9:
state2(); //beat circle
case 10:
state7(); // white circle wide with beat
state2(); //beat circle
case 11:
state2(); //beat circle
case 12:
state4(); // crazy circles long / no beat detect / pink / 50% opacity
case 13:
state5(); //blue
state2(); //beat circle
case 14:
state3(); // crazy circles wide / no beat detect // white // opacity
state2(); //beat circle
case 15:
state4(); // crazy circles long / no beat detect / pink / 50% opacity
state2(); //beat circle
case 16:
state5(); //blue
state2(); //beat circle
case 17:
state6(); //white circle
state2(); //beat circle
case 18:
state4(); // crazy circles long / no beat detect / pink / 50% opacity
state2(); //beat circle
case 19:
state5(); //blue
state2(); //beat circle
case 20:
state2(); //beat circle
case 21:
state6(); //white circle in place
case 22:
state7(); // white circle wide with beat
case 23:
state2(); // white circle wide no beat
// Custom method for updating the heads/circles; moves heads from left to right
//square heads / no movement
void state0() {
float a = map(eRadius, 20, 80, 100, 250);
fill(220, 220, 220, a);
if ( beat.isOnset() ) eRadius = 20;
rect(xOffset + x, yOffset + y, r, r);
eRadius *= 0.95;
if ( eRadius < 10 ) eRadius = 10;
if (millis() - lastStateChange >= 17000) {
lastStateChange = millis();
// square heads / green / move side to side
void state1() {
// beat
float a = map(eRadius, 20, 80, 100, 250);
fill(195, 234, 42, a);
if ( beat.isOnset() ) eRadius = 20;
//shape movement
pushMatrix ();
int sec = second();
int mover = sec % 2;
if (mover == 0) {
rect(xOffset + x, yOffset + y, r, r);
} else if (mover == 1) {
rect(xOffset + x + 5, yOffset + y, r, r);
eRadius *= 0.95;
if ( eRadius < 5 ) eRadius = 5;
// circles in place with beat detect
void state2() {
float a = map(eRadius, 20, 80, 60, 255);
fill(255, 255, 255, a);
if ( beat.isOnset() ) eRadius = 20;
long secs = millis()/100; //secs increments every 1/10th of a second
ellipse (xOffset + x + 25 + sin(secs) * 5, yOffset + y + 25 + cos(secs) * 5, r, r);
if (millis() - lastStateChange >= 12000) {
lastStateChange = millis();
eRadius *= 0.95;
if ( eRadius < 5 ) eRadius = 5;
// crazy circles wide / no beat detect // white // opacity
void state3() {
float a = 80; // opacity
fill(255, a); // white
long secs = millis()/100; //secs increments every 1/10th of a second
ellipse (xOffset + x + 25 + cos(secs) * 100, yOffset + y + 25 + sin(secs) * 50, r, r);
if (millis() - lastStateChange >= 12000) {
lastStateChange = millis();
// crazy circles long / no beat detect / pink / 50% opacity
void state4() {
float a = 50; // opacity
long secs = millis()/100; //secs increments every 1/10th of a second
fill(176, 42, 234, a); // pink
ellipse (xOffset + x + 25 + cos(secs) * 50, yOffset + y + 25 + sin(secs) * 100, r, r);
if (millis() - lastStateChange >= 8000) {
lastStateChange = millis();
// crazy circles wide
void state5() {
float a = 50; // opacity
long secs = millis()/100; //secs increments every 1/10th of a second
fill(42, 99, 234, a); // blue
ellipse (xOffset + x + 25 + sin(secs) * 50, yOffset + y + 25 + cos(secs) * 100, r, r);
if (millis() - lastStateChange >= 8000) {
lastStateChange = millis();
// circles in place
void state6() {
float a = 50; // opacity
fill(255, a); // white
long secs = millis()/100; //secs increments every 1/10th of a second
ellipse (xOffset + x + 25 + sin(secs) * 10, yOffset + y + 25 + cos(secs) * 10, r, r);
if (millis() - lastStateChange >= 12000) {
lastStateChange = millis();
// crazy circles wide / with beat detect
void state7() {
float a = map(eRadius, 20, 80, 60, 255);
fill(255, 255, 255, a); // white
if ( beat.isOnset() ) eRadius = 20;
long secs = millis()/100; //secs increments every 1/10th of a second
ellipse (xOffset + x + 25 + cos(secs) * 100, yOffset + y + 25 + sin(secs) * 50, r, r);
if (millis() - lastStateChange >= 12000) {
lastStateChange = millis();
eRadius *= 0.95;
if ( eRadius < 5 ) eRadius = 5;
void start() {
state = 2;
lastStateChange = millis();
void CheckForStateChange()
if (millis() > crazyTime && state == 1) start();
@miaco -- thank you for sharing. In order to make it readable, and to allow others to cut-paste without it being broken, please format your code.
Edit your post -- Highlight your code -- Press Ctrl+o (will indent four spaces) -- Save.