Audio Visualization - color issue

edited December 2016 in Library Questions

Hi guys, I'm working on a project that visualizes input audio and I'm having difficulties making the color change according to the input sound frequency. Right now, tI'm just multiplying the band and freq by different numbers to mimic a lame attempt at the effect I'm going for. Ideally, the color would turn yellow when the input sounds are high pitch, and it would turn orange when the input sounds are medium pitch, and then it would turn purple when the input sounds are low pitch.

Here's what I have so far:

import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
import ddf.minim.*;

//global variables
Minim minim;          //minim object
AudioInput input;     //object for realtime audio
FFT fft;

void setup() 
  size(displayWidth,displayHeight, P3D);         //scene is in 3D space  
  minim = new Minim(this);                       //instantiate minim object
  input = minim.getLineIn(Minim.STEREO, 2048, 192000.0);
  fft = new FFT( input.bufferSize(), input.sampleRate());
  angle = new float[fft.specSize()]; 


void draw() 
  fft.forward(input.mix);       //use sound from microphone
  arcs();                       //visuals

float[] angle;
float[] y, x;

int rings = 7;         //variable for number of sets of rings
int ringDensity = 4;   //variable for number of rings within ring sets
int number = 24;       //variable for number of arcs that make up ring

void arcs()
  translate(width/2, height/2);     //move to center of window

  for (int h=1; h<(ringDensity*2); h=h+2) { 
    for (int i=h; i<(rings); i=i+10) {
        for (int k = 0; k < fft.specSize() ; k++) {

        angle[k] = angle[k] + fft.getFreq(k)/3000;

        rotateX(sin(angle[k]/20));    //control 3D x rotation
        rotateY(cos(angle[k]/10));    //control 3D y rotation
        rotateZ(tan(angle[k]/30));    //control 3D z rotation

        //color stuff
        int count = 0;
        int lowTot = 0;
        int midTot = 0;
        int highTot = 0;
        for (int l = 0; l < input.left.size()/10; l+=5) 

          lowTot+=  (abs(fft.getBand(k)));
          midTot+=  (abs(fft.getAvg(k)));
          highTot+= (abs(fft.getFreq(k)));

        float diameter = map(40 * i * angle[k], 0, count, 50, 90);    //movement doesn't grow
        arc(0, 0, diameter, diameter, radians(k*(360/number)), radians((k+1)*(360/number)));

        stroke( map( lowTot, 0, count * 10, 0, 255 ),map( midTot, 0, count * 10, 0, 255 ),map( highTot, 0, count * 10, 0, 255 ));
        strokeWeight(map(fft.getBand(h), 0, count , 1, 200));

void stop()
  //closes minim classes


  • you don't say what doesn't work...

    i am currently having trouble with this:

    float diameter = map(40 * i * angle[k], 0, count, 50, 90);    //movement doesn't grow

    the range at the end isn't a limit - an input outside of the first range will be mapped outside of the second range. i'm getting a screen filled with solid colours.

  • edited December 2016

    Maybe try this instead:

    float diameter = 40 * i * angle[k];        //movement sensitivity to volume (starts small and grows)
  • what's this doing?:

      for (int l = 0; l < input.left.size()/10; l+=5) {
          lowTot+=  (abs(fft.getBand(k)));
          midTot+=  (abs(fft.getAvg(k)));
          highTot+= (abs(fft.getFreq(k)));

    why is your l loop even there - you aren't using l inside the loop

    i think you just need fft.getBand(k). the lower values of k are the lower freqs

    so if you have 30 bands then bands 0-9 are low freqs, 10-19 are mid, 20-29 are high.

    but in my experience there are always way more of the low freqs than anything else.

  • this is causing problems too

    strokeWeight(map(fft.getBand(h), 0, count , 1, 200));

    a strokeWeight of 200?

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