locking Array Indexes

edited November 2016 in Programming Questions

The script below represents a matrix of random PVectors.

I want to lock some indexes from that matrix. (4 of them, one at each corner):

I tried to concat() 2 different arrayLists for such end (the random values matrix + another one with the fixed values) but didn´t work. I also tried to append() the values independently but got same result.

Now I´m trying to use the set() method, so I could eventually replace the required item in the specified position in the list, but a NullPointerException warning is thrown (line 143). I wonder if the use of the arrayList() method is the correct here. thx

int elements=10; 
PVector centro;
ArrayList <Agent> a = new ArrayList <Agent>();
Repeler rep;
//ArrayList <FixedPoint> fp = new ArrayList <FixedPoint>();
Agent ag;

/**                                                       //list of PVectors to lock in the arrayList
    loc1= new PVector(100, 100);
 loc2= new PVector(100, 700);
 loc3= new PVector(1300, 100);
 loc4= new PVector(1300, 700);

PVector loc1= new PVector(100, 100);
Agent vec1= new Agent (loc1);// 2nd constructor

void setup() {//______________________________________________________________
  size(1400, 800);


  centro= new PVector(width/2, height/2);
  rep = new Repeler(centro);


  for (int i=0; i<elements; i++) {
    a.add(new Agent());
  a.set(0, vec1);

void draw() {//_______________________________________________________________

  for (int i=0; i<a.size(); i++) {
    ag= a.get(i); 

    PVector repulse = rep.attract(ag);


class Agent {//_______________________________________________________________
  PVector loc, vel, acc;
  PVector lol;

  Agent() {//1st constructor

    loc= new PVector(random(width), random(height));
    vel= new PVector (0, 0);
    acc= new PVector (random (-.01, .01), random (-.01, .01));

  Agent (PVector _lol) {//2nd constructor for set() mode

  void run() {

  void update(PVector force) {  

  void drawLine() {
    for (int i=0; i<a.size(); i++ ) {
      Agent other= a.get(i);
      stroke(255, 0, 0);
      line(loc.x, loc.y, other.loc.x, other.loc.y);

  void move() {

  void limits() {
    if (loc.x > width-10 || loc.x < 10 ) {
      vel.x = -vel.x ;
    } else if (loc.y > height-10 || loc.y < 10) {
      vel.y = -vel.y;

  void display() {
    ellipse(loc.x, loc.y, 5, 5);

class FixedPoint extends Agent {//____________________________________________

 PVector loc1, loc2, loc3, loc4;

 FixedPoint() {

 loc1= new PVector(100, 100);
 loc2= new PVector(100, 700);
 loc3= new PVector(1300, 100);
 loc4= new PVector(1300, 700);

 void run() {

 void display() {
 fill(0, 0, 255);
 ellipse(loc1.x, loc1.y, 5, 5); 
 ellipse(loc2.x, loc2.y, 5, 5); 
 ellipse(loc3.x, loc3.y, 5, 5); 
 ellipse(loc4.x, loc4.y, 5, 5);

class Repeler {//_____________________________________________________________
  PVector rep;

  Repeler(PVector _rep) {
    rep= _rep;

  PVector attract(Agent ag) {
    PVector force= PVector.sub(rep, ag.loc);// here is where NPE warning is thrown
    float dist=force.mag();

    dist=constrain(dist, 1., 2.);

    return force;

  void display() {
    fill(65, 111);
    ellipse(rep.x, rep.y, 50, 50);


  • Hello hope am not late, idk what your problem is but i know why the NPE occurs: on this line:

    PVector force= PVector.sub(rep, ag.loc);

    the loc property of ag is null, this is because at line 34:

    a.set(0, vec1);

    u put vec1 in first index, but

    Agent vec1= new Agent (loc1);// 2nd constructor


      Agent (PVector _lol) {//2nd constructor for set() mode

    You dont initialize the loc PVector in vec1, so just use the other constructor for vec1:

    Agent vec1= new Agent ();// 1st constructor

  • edited December 2016

    @giorgos123. U r right, actually I needed to create a subclass to cast the updated PVectors to make the system work. Anyway, once this was done, the problem was solved, thx!

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