Unfortunately the link is almost meaningless to me because I am not schooled in the programming languages discussed in that thread. Thank you for posting the reference though. It did occur to me that processing does run on windows 10 and since windows IOT is a derivative could a processing sketch somehow fit in that picture?
I don't know, but Windows IOT is headless, no?
I suppose it is, as long as Windows IOT can run Java and OpenGL 2+.
(Edit) the answer is no
Unfortunately the link is almost meaningless to me because I am not schooled in the programming languages discussed in that thread. Thank you for posting the reference though. It did occur to me that processing does run on windows 10 and since windows IOT is a derivative could a processing sketch somehow fit in that picture?
Processing and its sketches are built on top Java. If Java is not running on Windows IoT Core, Processing won't run either.
How does one determine if Java is running on IOT core ?
If you have access to the command prompt, type java -version.
A quick google search get me into this link: http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/34410/does-windows-10-iot-support-java-on-the-raspberry-pi-2
I hope this helps,
That's the same link above. I guess the answer is no!!! Back to Linux as the development platform.