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Hey ppl,
Do you have any recommendations of any site to learn Eclipse step by step? I am interested in setting up environment, importing libraries, learning about the extra features offered by the IDE. In turn, is i would like to develop a Processing library, could I generated from Processing itself or could(should) be generated from Eclipse?
I ask about Eclipse before doing an online search in case that any of you have any suggestions. I am not sure how many people work in Eclipse here. I hope it is an ok question. Cheers,
If you want to develop a Processing library, Eclipse is the way to go. AFAIK, it is not even possible with the Processing IDE.
Just install Eclipse, look around the IDE, and you'll learn the basics - that's how I learnt, and I've made some custom Processing libraries (P.S. None are on the Internet bcz I'm too lazy to add comments to my code, create a reference, and then upload them to the Internet).
The Processing website details how to use Processing in Eclipse.
there's a library template in github. the readme also explains how to use it.