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PVector current;
PVector[] elements = {};
void setup() {
current = new PVector(0,0);
void draw() {
for (int i=0; i<elements.length; i++)
print("(" + elements[i].x + ", " + elements[i].y + ")");
void mousePressed(){
println(mouseX + " " +mouseY);
current.x = mouseX;
current.y = mouseY;
elements = (PVector[])append(elements, current);
ISSUES: Append seems to add additional elements to the end of the pvector[] elements, however, all elements take the value of the last element. wtF?
You're appending the very same PVector instance into the Array! >:)
It means when you change any of its fields (x, y, z), that modification reflects across the whole Array!!! @-)
Take notice that an ArrayList structure is far more appropriate for unknown-sized lists though! :-\"
As said: Why use ArrayList instead of array with append()?