Thought I'd let you all know that Praxis LIVE v3 is now available -

Praxis LIVE is an open-source hybrid visual environment for live creative coding. Easily create projections, interactive spaces, custom VJ tools, sonic performance instruments, media for theatre; use it as a live digital sketchbook, test out ideas, experiment with code.
- Intuitive real-time visual node editing with a range of built-in components for video, audio and data processing.
- Fork components on-the-fly, or build new ones from scratch, with embedded compiler and editor for live-coding Java/Processing and GLSL.
- All components are effectively Processing sketches, with no limits on the numbers of individual components or component graphs.
- Optimized OpenGL pipeline built on top of Processing, with GStreamer 1.x based video capture and playback.
- Low-latency audio library with JACK support, unit generators and support for live-coding per-sample DSP.
- Distributed by design - run projects across multiple processes (for lower latency) or across networked machines.
- Build custom GUIs with a real-time visual editor.
- Send MIDI and OSC to any property (variable) or action (method) - even send code over OSC.
- Integrates with sensors, motors, servos, etc. using TinkerForge open hardware.
Full release notes for v3 -
See it in action (playlist!) - 
@neilcsmith_net -- amazing!
@jeremydouglass - sorry, missed your reply at first. Thanks! And thanks for promoting Praxis LIVE elsewhere on here :-)