I try to work around the text from SVG, and I must use the matrix but I find nothing to help for used it.
any idea ?
<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 30.5698 85.9966)" class="st0 st1 st2">super ROPE</text>
I know a,b,c,d arg is some time for rotation argument and e and f for position, but I want code some algorithm to use text from svg in Processing, not just for the position, but also for the other transformation : rotation, skew...
You're welcome !
You can use the Z_tab from the sketch like a library if you want. May be in the future I make a library with that or better push something for Processing :)
The first four numbers are the rotation matrix, the identity matrix here, no rotation.
The next two are probably translation, so position in this case.
I know
arg is some time for rotation argument ande
for position, but I want code some algorithm to use text from svg in Processing, not just for the position, but also for the other transformation : rotation, skew... https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/coords.htmlSo loadDisplaySVG() doesn't load text?
If not, have you tried looking at the source code on github to see how it already handles the matrix for non-text elements?
Processing cannot display text and don't use style tag from Illustrator CC, so a work arount that.
Finnaly I find the solution to work with the transform:matrix(a,b,c,d,tx,ty)
and if you're interesting by this work
Thanks for sharing your work and the example sketch! I wonder if svg text parsing could become a library -- or just part of a Processing upgrade....
You're welcome ! You can use the Z_tab from the sketch like a library if you want. May be in the future I make a library with that or better push something for Processing :)