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import ddf.minim.*;
int rad = 30; // Width of the shape
float xpos, ypos; // Starting position of shape
float xspeed = 4.5; // Speed of the shape
float yspeed = 4.5; // Speed of the shape
int xdirection = 1; // Left or Right
int ydirection = 1; // Top to Bottom
int score=0; //Inital score
int lives=5; //Number of lives you start with
boolean lost=false; //Have you lost yet?
int speed=1;
PImage bg;
int y;
AudioPlayer player;
Minim minim;
void setup()
size(1297, 736);
minim = new Minim(this);
ellipse(xpos, height/10,100,100);
xpos = width/2; // Set the starting position of the shape
ypos = height/2;
bg = loadImage("stem.jpg"); //Load Image (jpg,png,gif)
player = minim.loadFile("Song.wav"); //Load Audio File (mp3,wav)
void draw()
xpos = xpos + ( xspeed * xdirection ); // Update the position of the shape
ypos = ypos + ( yspeed * ydirection );
if (xpos > width-rad || xpos < rad) { // Test to see if the shape exceeds the boundaries of the screen
// If it does, reverse its direction by multiplying by -1
xdirection *= -1;
if (ypos > height-rad || ypos < rad) {
ydirection *= -1;
ellipse(xpos, ypos, rad, rad); //Draw the shape
text("score = "+score,10,10); //Print the score on the screen
text("lives = "+lives,width-80,10); //Print remaining lives
if (lives<=0) //Check to see if you lost
text("Click to Restart", 450,200);
noLoop(); //Stop looping at the end of the draw function
void mousePressed() //Runs whenever the mouse is pressed
if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, xpos, ypos)<=rad) //Did we hit the target?
score=score+speed; //Increase the speed
speed=speed+1; //Increase the Score
else //We missed
if (speed<1) //If speed is greater than 1 decrease the speed
lives=lives-1; //Take away one life
if (lost==true) //If we lost the game, reset now and start over
speed=1; //Reset all variables to initial conditions
loop(); //Begin looping draw function again
As shown above, i'm able to get a song to play in the background using the minim library, i have a spare 'ding' sound effect, which i would love to add to the click of my mouse when i click the ball, the only problem is i'm unsure on how to do so. So basically, everytime the ball is clicked it produces a 'ding' sound. Thankyou to everyone who can take the time to help me!
What you need to do is use another Audio player to play the sound. If you start getting into more than one sample then you need to implement something called a sound pool. This allows you to cache your samples in an array ready to use whenever you want to play a certain sound. This can be implemented in a number of ways but I implement it using a hashmap.
Note that I use inversion of control so I can have a compatible Android and Windows version but you can strip this out.
My sounds are within a enum
So when the object is created the files are loaded automatically as they are named the same as the enum.
To play a same I just pass the enum of the sound I want to play i.e.
Sorry. I am new to this forum and as of yet not sure how to pretty code. Guessing it is not the pre tag
BTW soundfx is an instance of SoundWindowsController i.e.
ISoundController soundfx = new SoundAndroidController(this);
@jellyfish, Thanks for the response! Is there a way i can add a second sound using the minim library? Just call it something else and make it so under my voidmouseclicked it will register the sound as i click my ball?
Continued here