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Hello! I made a sketch that read accelerometers data from an application in my phone. I use TCP protocol to transfer data. The code converts the string that app gives into 3 float values (x,y,z) and store them in a class (accelerometer). I receive data but after some time appears the error: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:1 or ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:2 (I attach an image with the error)
Someone knows why this happen?
This is my code:
import processing.net.*;
int port = 5204;
Server myServer;
Accelerometer accelerometer;
void setup()
size(400, 400);
myServer = new Server(this, port);
accelerometer = new Accelerometer();
void draw()
// Get the next available client
Client thisClient = myServer.available();
// If the client is not null, and says something, display what it said
if (thisClient !=null) {
String whatClientSaid= thisClient.readString();
if (whatClientSaid != null){
//divido la stringa che arriva in 3 i valori sono separati da "," e la stringa termina con "#"
String[] data = splitTokens(whatClientSaid,",#");//the string is like { -0.32568878,-0.56987789,9.32588427#}
//Store the 3 string in accelerometer class and convert string to float
accelerometer.x = float(data[0]);
accelerometer.y = float(data[1]);
accelerometer.z = float(data[2]);
println(whatClientSaid); //stampo la stringa che arriva dal sensore
println("x: "+ accelerometer.x); //valore (float) dell'accelerazione lungo x
println("y: "+ accelerometer.y);
println("z: "+ accelerometer.z);
class Accelerometer {
float x;
float y;
float z;
x = 0;
y = 0;
z = 0;
It is ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException because trying to access the data[] array at index 1 is out of bounds. This data[] array only has a single item in it -- [0]. There is no [1].
right above the error to see for yourself what is breaking. Bad data, I'd guess.Thanks for answering! As you said i think that the data aren't so good! I added an if statement to control the length of Data, it works, (at least the code keep running)
I think is better to assign the previous value rather than 0.
You don't need to assign the previous values -- you previously assigned them! If you aren't going to write 0s, just do this:
Thanks a lot! I didn't think about it