How to port Shadertoy multipass GLSL shader

edited November 2017 in GLSL / Shaders


I'm trying to port these Shadertoy fragment shaders to Processing using PShader:

I'm not sure I understood how to correctly do the multipass.

Here's my attempt so far:


// Reaction-diffusion pass.
// Here's a really short, non technical explanation:
// To begin, sprinkle the buffer with some initial noise on the first few frames (Sometimes, the 
// first frame gets skipped, so you do a few more).
// During the buffer loop pass, determine the reaction diffusion value using a combination of the 
// value stored in the buffer's "X" channel, and a the blurred value - stored in the "Y" channel 
// (You can see how that's done in the code below). Blur the value from the "X" channel (the old 
// reaction diffusion value) and store it in "Y", then store the new (reaction diffusion) value 
// in "X." Display either the "X" value  or "Y" buffer value in the "Image" tab, add some window 
// dressing, then repeat the process. Simple... Slightly confusing when I try to explain it, but 
// trust me, it's simple. :)
// Anyway, for a more sophisticated explanation, here are a couple of references below:
// Reaction-Diffusion by the Gray-Scott Model -
// Reaction-Diffusion Tutorial -

uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float time;
uniform int frame;

uniform sampler2D iChannel0;

// Cheap vec3 to vec3 hash. Works well enough, but there are other ways.
vec3 hash33(in vec2 p){ 
    float n = sin(dot(p, vec2(41, 289)));    
    return fract(vec3(2097152, 262144, 32768)*n); 

// Serves no other purpose than to save having to write this out all the time. I could write a 
// "define," but I'm pretty sure this'll be inlined.
vec4 tx(in vec2 p){ return texture2D(iChannel0, p); }

// Weighted blur function. Pretty standard.
float blur(in vec2 p){
    // Used to move to adjoining pixels. - uv + vec2(-1, 1)*px, uv + vec2(1, 0)*px, etc.
    vec3 e = vec3(1, 0, -1);
    vec2 px = 1./resolution.xy;
    // Weighted 3x3 blur, or a cheap and nasty Gaussian blur approximation.
    float res = 0.0;
    // Four corners. Those receive the least weight.
    res += tx(p + e.xx*px ).x + tx(p + e.xz*px ).x + tx(p + e.zx*px ).x + tx(p + e.zz*px ).x;
    // Four sides, which are given a little more weight.
    res += (tx(p + e.xy*px ).x + tx(p + e.yx*px ).x + tx(p + e.yz*px ).x + tx(p + e.zy*px ).x)*2.;
    // The center pixel, which we're giving the most weight to, as you'd expect.
    res += tx(p + e.yy*px ).x*4.;
    // Normalizing.
    return res/16.;     

// The reaction diffusion loop.
void main(){

    vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy/resolution.xy; // Screen coordinates. Range: [0, 1]
    // vec2 uv = (gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution.xy) / resolution.y;
    vec2 pw = 1./resolution.xy; // Relative pixel width. Used for neighboring pixels, etc.
    // The blurred pixel. This is the result that's used in the "Image" tab. It's also reused
    // in the next frame in the reaction diffusion process (see below).
    float avgReactDiff = blur(uv);

    // The noise value. Because the result is blurred, we can get away with plain old static noise.
    // However, smooth noise, and various kinds of noise textures will work, too.
    vec3 noise = hash33(uv + vec2(53, 43)*time)*.6 + .2;

    // Used to move to adjoining pixels. - uv + vec2(-1, 1)*px, uv + vec2(1, 0)*px, etc.
    vec3 e = vec3(1, 0, -1);
    // Gradient epsilon value. The "1.5" figure was trial and error, but was based on the 3x3 blur radius.
    vec2 pwr = pw*1.5; 
    // Use the blurred pixels (stored in the Y-Channel) to obtain the gradient. I haven't put too much 
    // thought into this, but the gradient of a pixel on a blurred pixel grid (average neighbors), would 
    // be analogous to a Laplacian operator on a 2D discreet grid. Laplacians tend to be used to describe 
    // chemical flow, so... Sounds good, anyway. :)
    // Seriously, though, take a look at the formula for the reacion-diffusion process, and you'll see
    // that the following few lines are simply putting it into effect.
    // Gradient of the blurred pixels from the previous frame.
    vec2 lap = vec2(tx(uv + e.xy*pwr).y - tx(uv - e.xy*pwr).y, tx(uv + e.yx*pwr).y - tx(uv - e.yx*pwr).y);//
    // Add some diffusive expansion, scaled down to the order of a pixel width.
    uv = uv + lap*pw*3.0; 
    // Stochastic decay. Ie: A differention equation, influenced by noise.
    // You need the decay, otherwise things would keep increasing, which in this case means a white screen.
    float newReactDiff = tx(uv).x + (noise.z - 0.5)*0.0025 - 0.002; 
    // Reaction-diffusion.
    newReactDiff += dot(tx(uv + (noise.xy-0.5)*pw).xy, vec2(1, -1))*0.145; 

    // Storing the reaction diffusion value in the X channel, and avgReactDiff (the blurred pixel value) 
    // in the Y channel. However, for the first few frames, we add some noise. Normally, one frame would 
    // be enough, but for some weird reason, it doesn't always get stored on the very first frame.
    if(frame > 9) gl_FragColor.xy = clamp(vec2(newReactDiff, avgReactDiff/.98), 0., 1.);
    else gl_FragColor = vec4(noise, 1.);


// Reaction Diffusion - 2 Pass

    Reaction Diffusion - 2 Pass

    Simple 2 pass reaction-diffusion, based off of "Flexi's" reaction-diffusion examples.
    It takes about ten seconds to reach an equilibrium of sorts, and in the order of a 
    minute longer for the colors to really settle in.

    I'm really thankful for the examples Flexi has been putting up lately. From what I 
    understand, he's used to showing his work to a lot more people on much bigger screens,
    so his code's pretty reliable. Reaction-diffusion examples are temperamental. Change 
    one figure by a minute fraction, and your image can disappear. That's why it was really 
    nice to have a working example to refer to. 
    Anyway, I've done things a little differently, but in essense, this is just a rehash 
    of Flexi's "Expansive Reaction-Diffusion" example. I've stripped this one down to the 
    basics, so hopefully, it'll be a little easier to take in than the multitab version.

    There are no outside textures, and everything is stored in the A-Buffer. I was 
    originally going to simplify things even more and do a plain old, greyscale version, 
    but figured I'd better at least try to pretty it up, so I added color and some very 
    basic highlighting. I'll put up a more sophisticated version at a later date.

    By the way, for anyone who doesn't want to be weighed down with extras, I've provided 
    a simpler "Image" tab version below.

    One more thing. Even though I consider it conceptually impossible, it wouldn't surprise
    me at all if someone, like Fabrice, produces a single pass, two tweet version. :)

    Based on:
    // Gorgeous, more sophisticated example:
    Expansive Reaction-Diffusion - Flexi

    // A different kind of diffusion example. Really cool.
    Gray-Scott diffusion - knighty


uniform sampler2D iChannel0;
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float time;

// Ultra simple version, minus the window dressing.
void main(){

    gl_FragColor = 1. - texture2D(iChannel0, gl_FragCoord.xy/resolution.xy).wyyw + (time * 0.);


void main(){

    // The screen coordinates.
    vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy/resolution.xy;
    // vec2 uv = (gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution.xy) / resolution.y;
    // Read in the blurred pixel value. There's no rule that says you can't read in the
    // value in the "X" channel, but blurred stuff is easier to bump, that's all.
    float c = 1. - texture2D(iChannel0, uv).y; 
    // Reading in the same at a slightly offsetted position. The difference between
    // "c2" and "c" is used to provide the highlighting.
    float c2 = 1. - texture2D(iChannel0, uv + .5/resolution.xy).y;

    // Color the pixel by mixing two colors in a sinusoidal kind of pattern.
    float pattern = -cos(uv.x*0.75*3.14159-0.9)*cos(uv.y*1.5*3.14159-0.75)*0.5 + 0.5;
    // Blue and gold, for an abstract sky over a... wheat field look. Very artsy. :)
    vec3 col = vec3(c*1.5, pow(c, 2.25), pow(c, 6.));
    col = mix(col, col.zyx, clamp(pattern-.2, 0., 1.) );
    // Extra color variations.
    //vec3 col = mix(vec3(c*1.2, pow(c, 8.), pow(c, 2.)), vec3(c*1.3, pow(c, 2.), pow(c, 10.)), pattern );
    //vec3 col = mix(vec3(c*1.3, c*c, pow(c, 10.)), vec3(c*c*c, c*sqrt(c), c), pattern );
    // Adding the highlighting. Not as nice as bump mapping, but still pretty effective.
    col += vec3(.6, .85, 1.)*max(c2*c2 - c*c, 0.)*12.;

    // Apply a vignette and increase the brightness for that fake spotlight effect.
    col *= pow( 16.0*uv.x*uv.y*(1.0-uv.x)*(1.0-uv.y) , .125)*1.15;
    // Fade in for the first few seconds.
    col *= smoothstep(0., 1., time/2.);

    // Done.
    gl_FragColor = vec4(min(col, 1.), 1.); 

and the sketch:

//Reaction Diffusion - 2 Pass

PShader bufA,shader;

void setup(){
  bufA = loadShader("BufA.frag");
  shader = loadShader("shader.frag");
void draw(){
  bufA.set("time",frameCount * .1);
  //2nd pass
  shader.set("time",frameCount * .1);

The shaders compile and run, but the output is different from what I see on shadertoy: The Processing version gets stable quite fast and it doesn't look like the feedback works.


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