7 Segment Up/Down Counter controlled by Processing Program

edited October 2016 in Arduino

Hi! The activity involves me having to create an up/down counter using an Arduino and controlled by processing. My idea is that there are buttons in the processing program that when hovered over, sends a signal to the arduino program signifying a process. So hovering over the first square, makes it count down, the second square, stop, and the last square resets it. If it is not over any square, it sends a '0', making it continue counting up.

This is the working arduino code. I have pushbuttons that does the processes mentioned.


    unsigned char digit_1 = 7;
    unsigned char digit_2 = 8;
    unsigned char digit_3 = 10;

    int num1 = 0;
    int num2 = 0;
    int num3 = 0;
    int state = 0;
    int halt = 0;
    char val; //data received from serial port
    void setup()
      for (int x = 11; x < 19; x++)
        pinMode (x, OUTPUT);

      pinMode (digit_1, OUTPUT);
      pinMode (digit_2, OUTPUT);
      pinMode (digit_3, OUTPUT);
     //  attachInterrupt(0, s1_press, RISING);
     //  attachInterrupt(1, s2_press, RISING);


    void loop()
      while (Serial.available())
      { val = Serial.read();
      if (val == 1)
        state = 1;
      else //if (val == 0)
        state = 0;
        halt = 0;
      if (val == 2)
        halt = 1;
        state = 0;
        halt = 0;

      if (halt == 0) {
        if (state == 0) {
          if (num3 == 10) {
            num3 = 0;
          if (num2 == 10) {
            num2 = 0;
          if (num1 == 10) {
            num1 = 0;
            num2 = 0;
            num3 = 0;

        if (state == 1) {
          if (num3 == -1) {
            num3 = 9;
          if (num2 == -1) {
            num2 = 9;
          if (num1 == -1) {
            num3 = 9;
            num2 = 9;
            num1 = 9;
      for (int x = 0; x < 80; x++) {
        digitalWrite (digit_3, HIGH);
        digitalWrite (digit_2, LOW);
        digitalWrite (digit_1, LOW);
       display_ (num1);
        digitalWrite (digit_3, LOW);
        digitalWrite (digit_2, HIGH);
        digitalWrite (digit_1, LOW);
        display_ (num2);
        digitalWrite (digit_3, LOW);
        digitalWrite (digit_2, LOW);
        digitalWrite (digit_1, HIGH);
        display_ (num3);


    void display_ (unsigned char num)
      switch (num)
        case 0:
            digitalWrite (11, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (12, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (13, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (14, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (15, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (16, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (17, LOW);
            digitalWrite (18, LOW);

        case 1:
            digitalWrite (11, LOW);
            digitalWrite (12, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (13, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (14, LOW);
            digitalWrite (15, LOW);
            digitalWrite (16, LOW);
            digitalWrite (17, LOW);
            digitalWrite (18, LOW);

        case 2:
            digitalWrite (11, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (12, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (13, LOW);
            digitalWrite (14, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (15, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (16, LOW);
            digitalWrite (17, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (18, LOW);
        case 3:
            digitalWrite (11, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (12, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (13, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (14, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (15, LOW);
            digitalWrite (16, LOW);
            digitalWrite (17, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (18, LOW);
        case 4:
            digitalWrite (11, LOW);
            digitalWrite (12, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (13, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (14, LOW);
            digitalWrite (15, LOW);
            digitalWrite (16, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (17, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (18, LOW);

        case 5:
            digitalWrite (11, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (12, LOW);
            digitalWrite (13, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (14, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (15, LOW);
            digitalWrite (16, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (17, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (18, LOW);

        case 6:
            digitalWrite (11, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (12, LOW);
            digitalWrite (13, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (14, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (15, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (16, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (17, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (18, LOW);

        case 7:
            digitalWrite (11, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (12, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (13, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (14, LOW);
            digitalWrite (15, LOW);
            digitalWrite (16, LOW);
            digitalWrite (17, LOW);
            digitalWrite (18, LOW);

        case 8:
            digitalWrite (11, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (12, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (13, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (14, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (15, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (16, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (17, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (18, LOW);

        case 9:
            digitalWrite (11, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (12, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (13, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (14, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (15, LOW);
            digitalWrite (16, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (17, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (18, LOW);


    void s1_press() {
      if (state == 0)
        state = 1;
      else if (state == 1)
        state = 0;
      delay (100);

    void s2_press() {
      if (halt == 0)
        halt = 1;
        halt = 0;

Here is my intended implementation of the processing code based on the serial write example;

` import processing.serial.*;

Serial myPort;  // Create object from Serial class
int val;        // Data received from the serial port
color c1 = #75C58E;
color c2 = #75C5FF;
color c3 = #D07633;
void setup() 
  size(420, 200);
  String portName = Serial.list()[1];
  myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);

//0 - count up and start
//1 - count down
//2 - stop
//3 - reset

void draw() {
  if (mouseOverRect() == true) {  // If mouse is over square,
    fill(c1);                    // change color and
    myPort.write('1');              // send a '1' to indicate mouse is over square
  } else                          //will be equivalent to the count up/count down trigger
  rect(50, 50, 100, 100);         // Draw a square

  if (mouseOverRect2() == true) {  // If mouse is over square,
    fill(c2);                    // change color and
    myPort.write('2');              // send a 2 to indicate mouse is over square
  } else                        //stop trigger
  rect(160, 50, 100, 100);

    if (mouseOverRect3() == true) {  // If mouse is over square,
    fill(c3);                    // change color and
    myPort.write('3');              // send a '3' to indicate mouse is over square
  } else                      //reset
  rect(270, 50, 100, 100);

boolean mouseOverRect() { // Test if mouse is over square
  return ((mouseX >= 50) && (mouseX <= 150) && (mouseY >= 50) && (mouseY <= 150));
boolean mouseOverRect2() { // Test if mouse is over square
  return ((mouseX >= 160) && (mouseX <= 260) && (mouseY >= 50) && (mouseY <= 150));
boolean mouseOverRect3() { // Test if mouse is over square
  return ((mouseX >= 270) && (mouseX <= 370) && (mouseY >= 50) && (mouseY <= 150));


Any tips on how this could be implemented? My implementation doesn't seem to affect the arduino program in any way.


  • Well, can't really run this at the moment, but, did you check if data is received on the arduino-side? One thing that might be a problem, is that you send your numbers as a char, but in your arduino-code you compare them to an int.

    Processing: myPort.write('1');

    Arduino: if (val == 1)

    You could either check for the correct ascii value or compare it to the char.

    if (val == 49) or if (val == '1')

    I'm just guessing right now, but maybe it helps.

  • Oh right! Thanks @benja! I already corrected that by using (val == '1') but it didn't seem to affect the outcome. I also couldn't check if the values being sent were correct through either Arduino's or Processing's serial monitor, as I'm getting the port busy error.

  • You are right, processing occupies the serial port, so you cannot use arduino's serial monitor. But you can simply use processing to log all information that is send from your arduino. Here is a basic example:


    void setup() {
    void loop() {
      while (Serial.available()) {
        char c = Serial.read();


    import processing.serial.*;
    Serial myPort;
    void setup(){
      myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[3], 9600);  
    void draw(){}
    void keyPressed(){
    void serialEvent(Serial p){
      // read a line
      String message = p.readStringUntil(13);
      if(message != null){
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