defaultCanvas0 created on all pages

Hi folks

I made a little sound toy/game for the homepage of my website, which you can see here:

The canvas is added to the #sketch-holder div on the page. This all fine.

However, for some reason I can't figure out it is also added to every other page of my website as the last bit of HTML, as a canvas called defaultCanvas0. Doing a little bit of reading implied that this might be because sketch.js is being called before the DOM is loaded, but wrapping my sketch.js in

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event)
   \\ sketch.js

just causes it to not work. Anyone had a similar issue?

Many thanks



  • edited October 2016

    Oh I also tried using jQuery to test whether the sketch-holder div exists.

    if (!!$('#sketch-holder').length) {
      var canvas = createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);

    For some reason, without this I get a massive defaultCanvas0 which doesn't run on every page, with it I get a small canvas which runs on every page :/

  • var pg;
    var rects = [];
    var numRects = 80;
    var lives = 0;
    var score = 0;
    var rateChange;
    var soundArray = [5];
    var playSoundNumber = 0;
    var randomX;
    function preload() {
        drums = loadSound('../public/sounds/break.mp3');
        noise0 = loadSound('../public/sounds/pad_flute_select.mp3');
        noise1 = loadSound('../public/sounds/pad_glow_chord.mp3');
        noise2 = loadSound('../public/sounds/pad_glow_welcome2.mp3');
        noise3 = loadSound('../public/sounds/pad_hi_note.mp3');
        noise4 = loadSound('../public/sounds/pad_up.mp3');
        noise5 = loadSound('../public/sounds/pad_space_select_01.mp3');
        noise6 = loadSound('../public/sounds/pad_space_fade_01.mp3');
        noise7 = loadSound('../public/sounds/pad_glow_welcome2.mp3');
        noise8 = loadSound('../public/sounds/pad_glow_power_off_01.mp3');
    function setup() { // **change** void setup() to function setup()
        // **change** size() to createCanvas()
        if (!!$('#sketch-holder').length) {
            var canvas = createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
        for (var i = 0; i < soundArray.length; i++) {
            soundArray[0] = noise0;
            soundArray[1] = noise1;
            soundArray[2] = noise2;
            soundArray[3] = noise3;
            soundArray[4] = noise4;
            soundArray[5] = noise5;
            soundArray[6] = noise6;
            soundArray[7] = noise7;
            soundArray[8] = noise8;
        amplitude = new p5.Amplitude();
        for (i = 0; i < numRects; i++) {
            r = new rectObj(random(width), random(height), random(10, 100), random(10, 100)) // generate a rectObj
            rects.push(r); //add it to the array.
        cir = new circleObj(50); // create a new circle object
    function draw() {
        var level = amplitude.getLevel();
        var levelChange = map(level, 0, 0.5, 0, 300);
        var speed = map(mouseY, 0.1, height, 0.75, 1.5);
        // speed = constrain(speed, 1, 1.5);
        for (var i = 0; i < soundArray.length; i++) {
        //   console.log(mySound.rate);
        // score = ceil(score + 0.01);
        for (i = 0; i < numRects; i++) {
            rects[i].collide(cir); //collide against the circle object
        cir.disp(mouseX, mouseY); //pass the x,y pos in to the circle.
        text("Sound: " + playSoundNumber, 100, 100);
        text("Pitch: " + nfc(speed, 2), 100, 140);
        // textSize(100);
        // text(score,100,100);
        // textSize(25);
        // if (score < 200) {
        //  text("Hit the blocks for fun", 100, 150);
        // }
        // if (score > 1000 && score < 1200) {
        //  text("Well done! Keep going!", 100, 150);
        // }
        // if (score > 3000) {
        //  text("Sorry, I haven't done an end yet. Might as well enter the site.", 100, 150);
        // }
        // if (lives <= 0) {
        //  textSize(200);
        //  // background(0);
        //  text("GAME OVER",100,windowHeight/2);
        //  noLoop();
        //  }
    function rectObj(x, y, w, h) {
        this.x = x
        this.y = y
        this.w = w
        this.h = h
        this.color = color(random(102, 255), random(102, 255), random(102, 255))
        this.hit = false;
        this.isCollisioning = false;
        this.collide = function (obj) {
            this.hit = collideRectCircle(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, obj.x, obj.y, obj.dia); //collide the cir object into this rectangle object.
            if (this.hit && !this.isCollisioning) {
                this.color = color(0) //set this rectangle to be black if it gets hit
                this.isCollisioning = true
                    // console.log(this.isCollisioning)
                if (playSoundNumber > 8) {
                    playSoundNumber = 0;
        var randomX = random(1, 5);
        this.disp = function () {
            this.x += randomX //move to the right!
            if (this.x > width) { //loop to the left!
                this.x = -this.w;
            rect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h);
    function circleObj(dia) {
        this.dia = dia;
        this.color = color(random(255), random(255), random(255))
        this.disp = function (x, y) {
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
            ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.dia, this.dia);
  • Figured it out. I was loading p5js in my header, so it was on every page. I didn't realise that it would create a canvas in instance mode, even if you don't call createCanvas().

    So now I am only loading p5 on the homepage, and no problem :)

  • @georgehenryrowe thanks for sharing your solution!

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