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Hey everyone,
Goal : Pack 32bit values into a single pixel and send via texture over Spout.
Problem : The RGB values of color() are multiplied by the alpha, so even if R, G, and B are set to 255, if the Alpha is set to 0, get() returns R,G,B values of 0.
Question : Is there a way to prevent RGB from being multiplied by Alpha? I've tested this in different software and it works fine.
I've made an example :
Sender > The canvas is split into 2, the left side has 0 Alpha, and the right has full Alpha. Other than that they are the same.
import spout.*;
Spout spout;
float rate = 1.0;
float amplitude = 255;
void setup() {
size(640, 360, P3D);
colorMode(RGB, 255);
// spout object
spout = new Spout(this);
// name sender
spout.createSender("Spout Processing");
} // end setup
void draw() {
int m = millis();
float Hz = rate * 1000;
float lfo = map(sin(radians(360) * m % Hz), -1, 1, 0, amplitude); //Sinewave LFO
// left -- 0 alpha
// right -- full alpha
} // end draw
Receiver > Captures the texture via spout and analyzes pixels from each half and prints out the values in the textport.
import spout.*;
Spout spout;
void setup() {
size(640, 360, P3D);
colorMode(RGB, 255);
spout = new Spout(this);
} // end setup
void draw() {
// left -- 0 alpha
color l = get(0,0);
// right -- full alpha
color r = get(321,0);
print("0 ALPHA >>> ");
print(red(l), blue(l), green(l), alpha(l));
print(" --- FULL ALPHA >>> ");
println(red(r), blue(r), green(r), alpha(r));
} // end draw
@nousbalance -- Unfortunately, I cannot test this (I'm not on Windows).
However, your problem isn't spout -- it is that you are drawing to the Processing surface, then expecting to be able to recover RGB separate from A.
It looks like you are using spout to draw onto the main drawing surface, then trying to recover RGB values independent of the alpha channel. The Processing surface doesn't work that way. The surface doesn't have an alpha channel (there is nothing 'behind' it) -- so anything with transparency gets mixed into whatever pixel is already there and becomes flat RGB values.
Thus a perfectly transparent RGB pixel becomes a whatever-was-there-before pixel (e.g. grey). Then, when you check RGB on the pixel, you find grey at full-alpha rather than the original data.
Here is a simple sketch similar to your two test sketches to let you inspect how this works.
Options to solve your problem:
Can you use spout to write to a PGraphics or PImage, which supports alpha, then draw that onto the sketch surface using image()?
...could this be related to the difference between using receiveTexture and receiveImage?
This is great info. PImage is working out exactly how I hoped.
Thank you very much for your help
@nousbalance -- great! Glad to hear that using PImage preserved your alpha channel. If you can, please share your specific solution -- it might be helpful to future Spout users.