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Hi, I want three squares and when I go over the first one, i want all of them to turn red and to send a letter to arduino, when I go over the second one, I want all of them to turn green and when I go over the third one with my mouse, I want all of them to turn blue. When I click outside the boxes, I want all of them to turn black. Ony the R, G and B color changing part isn't working. Can someone help me with this?
import processing.net.*;
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort;
int click =0;
int box =0;
void setup () {
size ( 640, 200);
background (130);
String portName = "COM5";
myPort = new Serial (this, portName, 9600);
void draw () {
void loop () {
if (mouseOverRect1() == true) { // If mouse is over square,
fill(255, 20, 20); // change color and
myPort.write('R'); // send an R to indicate mouse is over square 1
if (mouseOverRect2() == true) { // If mouse is over square,
fill(20, 255, 20); // change color and
myPort.write('G'); // send an G to indicate mouse is over square 2
if (mouseOverRect3() == true) { // If mouse is over square,
fill(20, 20, 255); // change color and
myPort.write('B'); // send an B to indicate mouse is over square 3
boolean mouseOverRect1() { // Test if mouse is over square 1
return ((mouseX >= 10) && (mouseX <= 190) && (mouseY >= 10) && (mouseY <= 190));
boolean mouseOverRect2() { // Test if mouse is over square 2
return ((mouseX >= 230) && (mouseX <= 420) && (mouseY >= 10) && (mouseY <= 190));
boolean mouseOverRect3() { // Test if mouse is over square 3
return ((mouseX >= 450) && (mouseX <= 630) && (mouseY >= 10) && (mouseY <= 190));
void mouseClicked() {
if ((mouseOverRect1()== false)&&(mouseOverRect2()== false)&&(mouseOverRect3()== false)) { // if mouse is outside the box
if (click == 0) { // and mouse is pressed
fill (0);
drawFigures ();
myPort.write ('N');
void drawFigures() {
rect(10, 10, 180, 180);
rect(230, 10, 180, 180);
rect( 450, 10, 180, 180);
Here is my code. thanks a lot!
I figured it out myself!
I was trying to figure it out
Could you post your code solution please?
yeah sure
I'm also trying to turn an RGB led to red, green of blue of off. it depands on the color of the blocks, so where my mouse is. But it is green all the time. here are both of my codes. any help?
Yeah, trouble is the lines 88 to 106
(Directly above my post)
Here you use if and then else - but it's wrong
The else part is ran every time it's not 'B' since it's part of this if-clause only
Instead use if.... else if....
So in line 93
else if
, in line 98else if
Then the final
part (with 3x LOW) refers to all 3 ifs and not only to the last ifOK?
it helped a lot! now the colors change, but I have one problem left. the rgb led doesn't turn off it is Always on blue,or the other colors when I go over that box.
this is how it is connected, but with other ports
and this is how my led has it's points
hope you can help with it
sorry for being late
first post your new entire code please
you wrote:
in line 87 to print val - what's its value when you are not over any box???you could say
in line 83 to make sure it gets a proper reset (because when the while loop is skipped, val still has its old value. Bad.)Best, Chrisir ;-)
Hi, I tried your comments, but it is still not working. The println doesn't work at all. I will post my now updated code:
hope you can figure out why
When I connect the green output to pin 10 instead of the blue one, then the led stays green. When I skip pin 10 and use pin 9 instead, the problem is also not solved. I have not used solder, so that can't be the problem. I don't know what is.
you could say val=0; in line 91
It is still not working! I have no idea what to do
In line 12.......:
Use if...else if here as well
last append else myPost.write('N');
Or just think through your sketch step by step