Mirroring Capture help

edited October 2016 in Library Questions

How do you flip/mirror a video? Below is my code, where I am trying to get the video to play a mirrored image on processing using "int loc = (cam.width - i - 1) + j*cam.width;" Where I translate the x-axis to flip, subtracting the x-location of the particular pixel (where brightness is above 253) from the width of the screen, but somehow it is not working. What is the issue here?

import processing.video.*; int cols, rows; Capture cam;

void setup() {

//displays it full screen size (displayWidth, displayHeight);

cols = width;
rows = height; //30 fps is default so bellow won't change anything cam = new Capture(this, width, height, 30);

// Start capturing the images from the camera cam.start();

frameRate(30); background(0); }

void draw() { if(cam.available()) { //reads fresh-est pixels from camera cam.read(); cam.loadPixels(); loadPixels(); // Loop through every pixel. ++i is equivalent to i = i + 1. //for (int i=0; i<cam.pixels.length; i++) {

// Begin loop for columns(using width)
for (int i = 0; i < cols;i++) {
  // Begin loop for rows(using length)
  for (int j = 0; j < rows;j++) {

    // Where are we, pixel-wise? (cam.width - i - 1) means x-coordinate of the pixel mirrored
    int loc = (cam.width - i - 1) + j*cam.width;  // Reversing x to mirror the image

    if (brightness(cam.pixels[loc]) > 253) {
      pixels[loc] = color(255);       

 float red = red(pixels[loc]);
 float green = green(pixels[loc]);
 float blue = blue(pixels[loc]);

 blue = blue - 5;
 if(blue < 0) blue = 0;

 red = red - 5;
 if(red < 0) red = 0;

 green = green - 5;
 if(green < 0) green = 0;

 pixels[loc] = color(red, green, blue);




} }

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