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I wants to show text in the Textarea ouput in mode multiline: every time I press Return on TextField input shows a different line but don't work! any solution? please : )
import controlP5.*;
ControlP5 cp5;
String textValue = "";
Textfield input;
Textarea output;
StringList script;
int index = 0;
void setup()
size(1000,700, P3D);
PFont font = createFont("arial",20);
cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
script = new StringList();
input = cp5.addTextfield("input")
output = cp5.addTextarea("output")
void draw()
void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent){
index = index + 1;
textValue = input.getText();
String item = script.get(index-1);
item +=item + "\n";
output.setText(item + "\n");
Code formatted by moderator 23/02/2018
Please, format your code when you create a post. To do that, highlight your lines of code and press ctrl+o. Ensure there is an empty line above and below the code. Here next I present a solution for you to consider:
I hope this helps,
@kfrajer -- if you would, could you say something very briefly about what the mistake was, and why the solution works? Code-only solutions tend to be hard to understand for some beginners experiencing the same problem.
I agree with you @jeremydouglass . However it is hard to provide full detail as initial code was not formatted. From my version of the code, I did a small modification to the controlEvent() function. The problem was that data was not been appended from the input to the output textField. I remove the culprit line 47 and modified line 46 so it added a line separator. Then I added line 50 to 56 to reset/clear the output text field and then join all string objects under a single String variable, fullStr before setting it in the the textField output.
Thanks kfrajer, your solutions work! Sorry for not format de code.
For jeremydouglas: I tried a lot of solutions but the magic is in the:
There is a really god solution.``