Conditional background() of an image in draw() fails on OS X.

Running in to a strange problem with p5 0.6.1 on the Mac -- I can get a background image to load sometimes but not others. The same script loads just fine on my Win8 VMWare partition, I'm using Firefox in OS X and Win8.

var bg;
var backgroundLoaded = false;

function setup() {
  bg = loadImage("assets/moonwalk.png");
  createCanvas(720, 400);

function draw() {
  // this works, loads the background image on every cycle and overrwites my ellipses:
  // background(bg);

  if (backgroundLoaded == false) {
    // this works, turns the screen red, ellipses are not overwritten
    // background(255, 0, 0);
    // but this gives me a white screen:
    backgroundLoaded = true;

  ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 10);


  • Are you sure the image is loaded by the time you try to draw it?

    You might try using the preload() function:

    var bg;
    function preload() {
      bg= loadImage('assets/moonwalk.png');
    function setup() {
      createCanvas(720, 400);

    More info here:

    Also note that I've moved the call to background() into the setup() function, which is an easier way to do something only once at the beginning of the sketch.

  • preload() fixes things on my Mac, thanks.

    The conditional is because the student is going to be changing the background image and resetting backgroundLoaded to false based on mouse activity.

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