Touch Screen Programming question (need a genius)

edited September 2016 in JavaScript Mode

I am using processingjs and i am trying to make a program that can make a hand print.

(IE) when i put my hand on the tablet my hand print is left (like finger painting).

So far I've made a bunch of very small buttons like a grid and when i touch the button it turns a different color, but this method hardly works at all, even using both multi-touch and mousex/mousey as the data entry point.

if anyone can figure this out I would be extremely grateful.



  • I doubt that this is possible with a normal touch-screen. Most screens can only detect a very limited number of touch-points, i think an i-pad i limited to 11 simultanous touches. So you will not be able to detect an accurate shape.

    A Microsoft Surface table would be able to detect the shape, but i'm not aware of other screens that would it.

  • thanks for the info, ill try a surface pro

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