Loading SVG file in Android Studio

edited September 2016 in Android Mode

So, here is how this nightmare of mine goes. I am using Android Studio, using Processing, I get to create sketches without a problem, everything great. The problem is when in one of my sketches I try to load a file, an SVG file in order to create a PShape, the app doesn't know where the "data" folder is, and the problem is, I don't know where should I locate such folder or how to targer the file within my code. Thanks a lot.

 import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.core.PShape;
import processing.core.PVector;

public class Menu extends PApplet {
    PShape icon;

    public void settings()
        size(displayHeight, displayHeight);
    public void setup()
        icon =  loadShape("menu.svg");  //here is where an error occurs;
    public void draw()


  • I've looked at most of them. Thanks.

  • I found this

    It gave me hope but is not working for me.

  • Sorry I dunno much about Android nor IntelliJ. :(

  • Thanks though :) ( :'v )

  • This works in eclipse:

    icon = loadShape("android_asset/menu.svg");

    or this next link might help: https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/comment/69746/#Comment_69746


  • Hi, thanks for the cooperation, I tried to do as it was done in that link, I just don't know. To be honest, am not sure of what to do:

    import processing.core.PApplet;
    import processing.core.PShape;
    import processing.core.PVector;
    import android.media.MediaPlayer;
    import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor;
    import android.content.Context;
    import android.app.Activity;
    public class Menu extends PApplet {
        PShape icon;
        Context context;
        Activity act;
        AssetFileDescriptor afd;
        public void settings()
            size(displayHeight, displayHeight);
        public void setup()
            //act = this.getActivity(); //this doesn't work anyways;
            context = act.getApplicationContext();
                afd = context.getAssets().openFd("menu.svg");//which is in the data folder
            catch(IOException e)
                println("file did not load");
            icon =  loadShape("menu.svg");  //What should I place here?;
        public void draw()
  • Thanks every one for the support, I feel confused and desperate.

  • edited September 2016


    as you are using AS i suppose you can add the android svg lib that you can find there::


    (or other one:: https://github.com/TrevorPage/TPSVG_Android_SVG_Library

    Put your SVG in an assets folder. (you can also get it from an url or from res folder, drawable);

    get the svg using assetsManager && parse it (code for the first lib)

    AssetManager assets = getActivity().getContext().getAssets(); SVG mySvg = SVGParser.getSVGFromAsset(assets, "my.svg"); Then create an imageView and add your svg to it as a drawable.

  • Alright, I installed the library, am in the middle of the getActivity( ) issue, is not the first time it happens. Let me just get rid of this issue and I continue your answer (am not sure of how to). It says "Cannot resolve method 'getActivity()' "... What I understand is that, if it is and Activity that method won't work:

    Thanks for your support. I will solve this issue...

  • @SAFR===

    • first error is an unhandled one:: add a try catch or a throws

    • second error is because you have probably not imported the Activity android class

  • I added the try and catch, that problem is gone. I really don't understand why is the getActivity( ) method not found. I did import the Activity class and yet, same problem... Thanks.

  • edited September 2016

    @SAFR=== Sometimes P5 is saying "cannot resolve..." and it is not true... try to launch your code on a device && tell me if it crashes (&& with what error) try also to add this.getActivity()....

  • Sorry to tell you this but, it doesn't work (either with this.getActivity( )). Another question, do I still have to use loadShape( )?, if so, how do I link mySvg?...

    Again, the getActivity( ) is not found :( I want to get rid of this error. Thanks a gain.

  • Answer ✓

    I just tried something, first of all, I am so sorry for making you work on this. I tried the original method, loadShape( )with a different SVG file, and it worked... Thanks to all. Sorry.

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