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Do you know if there is any way of rotating mouseX mouseY as the object rotates?Always correspondents with the 2d screen
I believe screenX and screenY functions do the trick.
no it doesnt work,
i just rotate the shape,and the camera still :P
No that doesnt work either.The is a point where mouseX=-mouseX and is reversed
i make it.Here is all the code,because i use pushMatrix,i had to cancel the first rotation and then put an other rotation after translation
import peasy.*; import saito.objloader.*; //PrintWriter output; OBJModel model ; OBJModel Smodel ; OBJModel tmpmodel ; PeasyCam cam; float z=0; float easing = 0.005; float r; float k =0.00001; int VertCount; PVector[] Verts; PVector[] locas; PVector Mouse; void setup() { size(800, 800, P3D); frameRate(30); noStroke(); model = new OBJModel(this, "Model2.obj", "absolute", TRIANGLES); model.enableDebug(); model.scale(150); model.translateToCenter(); Smodel = new OBJModel(this, "Model2.obj", "absolute", TRIANGLES); Smodel.enableDebug(); Smodel.scale(150); Smodel.translateToCenter(); tmpmodel = new OBJModel(this, "Model2.obj", "absolute", TRIANGLES); tmpmodel.enableDebug(); tmpmodel.scale(150); tmpmodel.translateToCenter(); //output = createWriter("positions.txt"); cam = new PeasyCam(this, width/2, height/2, 0, 1200); } void draw() { background(129); lights(); int VertCount = model.getVertexCount (); Verts = new PVector[VertCount]; locas = new PVector[VertCount]; float r =200; cam.setMouseControlled(false); Mouse = new PVector(mouseX-width/2, mouseY-height/2, z); //println(frameCount); pushMatrix(); translate(width/2, height/2, 0); rotateY(k); for (int i = 0; i < VertCount; i++) { //PVector orgv = model.getVertex(i); locas[i]= model.getVertex(i); Verts[i]= Smodel.getVertex(i); //PVector tmpv = new PVector(); if (frameCount> 100) { float randX = noise(randomGaussian()); float randY = noise(randomGaussian()); float randZ = noise(randomGaussian()); PVector Ran = new PVector(randX, randY, randZ); //float norX = abs(cos(k)) * randX; //float norY = abs(cos(k)) * randY; //float norZ = abs(cos(k)) * randZ; if (Verts[i].y > Mouse.y - r/2 && Verts[i].y < Mouse.y + r/2 && Verts[i].x > Mouse.x - r/2 && Verts[i].x < Mouse.x + r/2 && Verts[i].z > Mouse.z - r/2 && Verts[i].z < Mouse.z + r/2) { tmpmodel.setVertex(i, locas[i].x, locas[i].y, locas[i].z); } else { Verts[i].x+=Ran.x; Verts[i].y+=Ran.y; Verts[i].z+=Ran.z; if (Verts[i].x > width/2 ) { Verts[i].x=-width/2; } else if (Verts[i].x < -width/2) { Verts[i].x=width/2; } if (Verts[i].y > height/2 ) { Verts[i].y=-height/2; } else if (Verts[i].y < -height/2) { Verts[i].y=height/2; } if (Verts[i].z < -800/2 ) { Verts[i].z=800/2; } else if ( Verts[i].z > 800/2) { Verts[i].z=-800/2; } tmpmodel.setVertex(i, Verts[i].x, Verts[i].y, Verts[i].z); } k+=0.000001; } // output.println("Verts " + Verts[i] + " locas " +locas[i]); } pushMatrix(); rotateY(-k); //-----------------HERE translate(Mouse.x, Mouse.y, Mouse.z); rotateY(k); //-------------AND HERE noFill(); stroke(255); box(r); popMatrix(); noStroke(); tmpmodel.draw(); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); translate(width/2, height/2, 0); rotateY(k); noFill(); stroke(255); box(width, height, 600); popMatrix(); //output.flush(); // Writes the remaining data to the file //output.close(); // Finishes the file //saveFrame(); println(z); } void keyPressed() { if (keyCode == UP) { z++; } if (keyCode == DOWN) { z--; } }
I believe screenX and screenY functions do the trick.
no it doesnt work,
i just rotate the shape,and the camera still :P
No that doesnt work either.The is a point where mouseX=-mouseX and is reversed
i make it.Here is all the code,because i use pushMatrix,i had to cancel the first rotation and then put an other rotation after translation