Accessing Subsets of an Array Efficiently

Newish to Processing/java and suspect that the answer to this might simply be a data structure I don't know about...

So, this is a question about best practices.

Basically, I have a medium-sized ArrayList of custom objects (about 300,000 of them). The objects each have a time stamp (a LocalDateTime). I pull them in form a file and when I do they're in chronological order.

Most of the work I am doing on this data involves looking at subsets based on time. So, for example, i often need to display an hour's worth of the data. Or sometimes I need to count how many objects have a time stamp from a particular date.

At first, I was just searching the array every time i needed to find a particular day or hour's worth but it seemed like a waste; so I built maps that indexed the array by some time. So, if I want to quickly access one day's worth of objects then I use my "ByDay" map where the key is a string that represents a day and the value is the index where that day starts in my array.

And I have a few of these maps. One for every major division of time: BYMonth, ByWeek, ByDay and ByHour.

It works and is more efficient than searching my array everytime but it feels incredibly clunky for what must be a common problem. Is there some data structure that maybe I'm not aware of that solves this kind of problem more elegantly? Or more efficiently? Have I stumbled squarely into the purview of databases? Should I be using a lightweight database to do this for me?

Anyway, I hope that's clear. I feel like I'm missing some vocabulary that would help me talk about this more clearly.


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