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I hope this is the right location for such a query. I just finished teaching a term of programming on Processing, and the students could only copy and paste their code back and forth to a google doc in order to save their work. These are shared work stations, so tools that provide local file access to Google Drive are either not effective, or cost on a per license basis, and still don't really work for a multiuser/shared machine env.
Is there anyone who provides such access to Google Drive with an IDE for Processing? I found Studio Sketch Pad, but it isn't really saving projects to a Google Drive and doesn't seem to support Google authentication.
Any thoughts on this will be greatly appreciated! I love Processing and it make the perfect programming exposure with a nice next leap into Arduino.
Cheers, Cameron
Why not using github? It does exactly what you ask for. Google drive isn't reliable and doesn't keep up with versions of code.