CSV and javacript mode

Hi, I've made a sketch that runs off csv files. It works great on java mode in processing but when I export it to javascript mode the page shows the screen, but is blank. How can I get the sketch to read the csv files in javascript mode? thanks


  • edited July 2016

    Are we supposed to guess w/o seeing your code or some other example? 8-}

    Regardless, just know that Pjs' API is still pretty much stuck @ Processing 1.5.1:

    Therefore P2 functions like loadTable() is unavailable there. Go w/ loadStrings() + split() instead. :-\"

  • Sorry about that. I thought it might be a general issue (as in it doesn't do tables, or they have to be on a server, etc) hence I didn't put my code. But here is:

    import processing.sound.*;
    String[] LTables = {"01-04.07.2016 lux.csv", "01.07.2016 lux.csv", "02.06.2016 lux.csv","02.07.2016 lux.csv", "03-04.07.2016 lux.csv","03.06.2016 0 lux.csv","03.06.2016 1 lux.csv","04.07.2016 lux.csv","06-07.06.2016 lux.csv", "06.06.2016 lux.csv", "20.04.2016 0 lux.csv", "20.04.2016 1 lux.csv","20.04.2016 2 lux.csv"};    
    Table table;
    Table table1;
    Table table2;
    TableRow row;
    TableRow row1;
    TableRow row2;
    float fData;
    float fData1;
    float fData2;
    float fNoise;
    float fNoise1;
    float fNoise2;
    PFont font;
    int index = 0;
    int i = 0;
    int y = 0;
    int z = 0;
    int mapMin = 0;
    int mapMax = 7500;
    float lerpFdata;
    float lerpFdata1;
    float lerpFdata2;
    float lerpFNoise;
    float lerpFNoise1;
    float lerpFNoise2; 
    int timer = 0;
    int timerDelay = 1000; // how often the next row of data is loaded
    float lerpEase = 0.01; // lerp easing factor
    SinOsc sine0;
    SinOsc sine1;
    SinOsc sine2; //Processing sound
    void setup() { 
      size(1062,600); //testing screen
      font = createFont("Arial", 14, true);
      frameRate(60); //keep at least 60 for smoothness
      //Processing sound
      sine0 = new SinOsc(this);
      sine1 = new SinOsc(this);
      sine2 = new SinOsc(this);
    void draw () {
      //random function
      if (i==0) {
        int randomTable0 = int(random(12));
       table = loadTable(LTables[randomTable0], "header");
        row = table.getRow(0);
      if (y==0) {
        int randomTable1 = int(random(12));
      table1 = loadTable(LTables[randomTable1], "header");
      row1 = table1.getRow(0);
      if (z==0) {
         int randomTable2 = int(random(12));
      table2 = loadTable(LTables[randomTable2], "header");
       row2 = table2.getRow(0);
      // delay update of new data and reset timer
      if (millis() >= timer) {
        timer = millis() + timerDelay/100;
        row = table.getRow(i); // get a new row of data
        row1 = table1.getRow(y); // get a new row of data
        row2 = table2.getRow(z); // get a new row of data
        fData = map(row.getInt("lux"), mapMin, mapMax, 0, 255); // get new data from row
        fData1 = map(row1.getInt("lux"), mapMin, mapMax, 0, 255); // get new data from row
        fData2 = map(row2.getInt("lux"), mapMin, mapMax, 0, 255); // get new data from row
        // increment row counter
        //  check to see if at end of data
        if (i >= table.getRowCount()) {
          i = 0;//if so, loop back to first row
          if (y >= table1.getRowCount()) {
        y = 0;//if so, loop back to first row
      else if (z >= table2.getRowCount()) {
        z = 0;//if so, loop back to first row
      fData = map(row.getInt("lux"), mapMin, mapMax, 0, 255);
      lerpFdata = lerp(lerpFdata, fData, lerpEase);
      fill(255, lerpFdata);
      fData1 = map(row1.getInt("lux"), mapMin, mapMax, 0, 255);
      lerpFdata1 = lerp(lerpFdata1, fData1, lerpEase);
      fill(255, lerpFdata1);
      fData2 = map(row2.getInt("lux"), mapMin, mapMax, 0, 255);
      lerpFdata2 = lerp(lerpFdata2, fData2, lerpEase);
      fill(255, lerpFdata2);
     fNoise = map(lerpFdata, 0, 255, 0,100);
     fNoise1 = map(lerpFdata1, 0, 255, 0, 100);
     fNoise2 = map(lerpFdata2, 0, 255, 0, 100);
      // draw text
      TableRow firstRow = table.getRow(0);
      TableRow lastRow = table.getRow(table.getRowCount()-1);
      TableRow firstRow1 = table1.getRow(0);
      TableRow lastRow1 = table1.getRow(table1.getRowCount()-1);
      TableRow firstRow2 = table2.getRow(0);
      TableRow lastRow2 = table2.getRow(table2.getRowCount()-1);
      text(row.getString("date")+ " " +row.getString("time"),width/3-95, height -80);
      text("lx: "+row.getInt("lux"), width/3-95, height -60);
      text("55º51'.26''N 4º14'.35'' W", width/3-95, height -40);
      text(row1.getString("date")+ " " +row1.getString("time"), width/3+110, height - 80);
      text("lx: "+row1.getInt("lux"), width/3+110, height -60);
      text("55º51'.26''N 4º14'.35'' W", width/3+110, height -40);
      text(row2.getString("date")+ " " +row2.getString("time"), width/3+315, height -80);
      text("lx: "+row2.getInt("lux"), width/3+315, height -60);
      text("55º51'.26''N 4º14'.35'' W", width/3+315, height -40);
  • edited July 2016

    I thought I was clear that Pjs got no support for features introduced in P2 like Table? :-@
    And you also got a cardinal sin: Loading resources after setup() had finished. :-&

    Moreover, processing.sound is a Java library and thus doesn't work in JS.
    You're gonna need to look up for some JS library w/ those features. #:-S

    My advice is if you wanna deploy for the web and needs to use libraries, go w/ p5js instead: :(|)

    1. http://p5js.org/reference/
    2. http://p5js.org/libraries/
    3. https://GitHub.com/processing/p5.js/wiki/Processing-transition
  • Man, forums.... one great place to come and get abused for free. Thanks, and for your help.

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