"Class does not exists" but it does!

edited June 2016 in Questions about Code

Hello, I looked around but didn't find any help, maybe it isn't even Processing itself but my Mac. I noticed this after pulling a project from git but it also occurs when creating a new sketch.

Processing does not find any classes I create. Neither if they are in a separate tab nor if I write them down in the main file. My old sketches work though, it seems to only to affect new sketches.

I am using a Mac with the latest OS (10.11.5), latest Java and latest Processing. I tried reinstalling Processing and restarting my Mac.

Hope someone can help me.

removed the image as it was not helping



  • class TestClass {}
    TestClass test;
    void setup() {}
  • That works for the sketch in the image but sadly not in the main sketch.

  • edited June 2016 Answer ✓

    Solution: Missing } in a totally different class.

    Can be closed.

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