This pong code does not work

edited June 2016 in Questions about Code

So I'm doing pong for a project we are doing in school in processing, but with my code the player's bars keep changing size when I change location! Can someone help me please? Thanks!

//Made by Alex Yang 06/16/2016

//Try to hit the ball back every time.
//This is a 2-player game, so you can use the UP and DOWN keys,
//or the W and S keys.
//UP or W to move your paddle up, DOWN or S to move your paddle down.

//Initialize Variables
boolean gameStart = false;
float x = 150;
float y = 150;
float speedX = random(3, 5);
float speedY = random(3, 5);
int lpaddleColor = 255;
int rpaddleColor = 255;
int radius;
int rectSize = 150;
int paddleX1 = 30;
int paddleX2 = 770;
int paddleY1 = 400;
int paddleY2 = 400;

void setup() {
  //Make an 800 by 800 pixel screen

void draw() {
  //Make a black background

  //Divide the screen up into 2 halves by adding a white line

  //Make the ball
  radius = 20;
  ellipse(x, y, radius, radius);

  //Make the paddles
  rect(paddleX1, mouseY-250, paddleX1-20, mouseY-175);
  rect(paddleX2, paddleY2-325, paddleX2-760, paddleY2-250);

  if (gameStart) {
    //Ball moves diagonally when game starts.
    x = x + speedX;
    y = y + speedY;

    //If ball hits either paddle, have the X direction go the opposite way.
    //Change the color of the paddle when the ball collides with the paddle.
    if (x > width-30 && x < width -20 && y > mouseY-rectSize/2 && y < mouseY+rectSize/2 ) {
      speedX = speedX * -1;
      x = x + speedX;
      rpaddleColor = 0;
      rectSize = rectSize-10;
      rectSize = constrain(rectSize, 10,150);     

    // If ball hits either paddle, change direction of X and have the paddle color flicker gray.
    else if ((x < 40) && (y < mouseY+75) && (y > mouseY-75)){
      speedX = speedX * -1.1;
      x = x + speedX;
      lpaddleColor = 128;

    else {    
      lpaddleColor = 255;
      rpaddleColor = 255;
    //Reset game when someone misses the ball
    if ((x > width) || (x < 0)) {
      gameStart = false;
      x = 150;
      y = 150;
      speedX = 4;
      speedY = 4;
      rectSize = 150;

    //If ball hits up or down, change direction of Y  
    if ( y > height || y < 0 ) {
      speedY = speedY * -1;
      y = y + speedY;

    //Control the paddles with the UP, DOWN, W, and S keys.
    if (key == CODED){
      if (keyCode == UP){
        paddleY2 = paddleY2 - 4;
      } else if (keyCode == DOWN){
        paddleY2 = paddleY2 + 4;

    if (key == 'w'){
      paddleY1 = paddleY1 - 4;
    } else if (key == 's'){
      paddleY1 = paddleY1 + 4;
void mousePressed() {
  //Start or stop the game whenever the mosue is pressed.
  gameStart = !gameStart;


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