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Hello, I want to calculate the time within the Serialevent Methode.
static class SerialPortReader implements SerialPortEventListener {
public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event) {
startLoop = millis();
long endLoop = millis();
println("Looptime = "+(endLoop - startLoop));
}// End of serialEvent
}// End of SerialPortReader
I'm not static friendly :)) ;)
why are you using static classes?
if you're only using it for timing, like above, then use
new Date().getTime();
otherwise, millis() is actually a method belonging to PApplet so you can pass that into your class and store it
Thanks for the very quick response. ^:)^
My serial communication is not fast enough. I want display the time within the Serialevent loop.
I will try it.
actually, don't bother with Date, there are easier ways:
will give you the same information without having to create the date object.
does the same thing with nanoseconds (but probably won't give you nanoseconds because your system won't report them. also, time might go backwards using this)
I have tried it successfully.
But i use static class no more. "why are you using static classes?" Thanks for your hint.
The event loop time is OK. msec 1-4. But the problem isn't solved. The graphic is relatively slow.