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Hi everyone. I'm very new with Processing and I really need a help! I have two videos and I want to switch between them, choosing which video is shown. The two videos will always be in play, never stop or pause. They're playing at the same time and I can choose which visualize. Is there someone that can help me? Please, I'm very desperate because I have an exam and I'm so confused in using the code! Tks in advance. Here is the initial code that I try to do.
import processing.video.*;
Movie Mov1; Movie Mov2;
void setup(){ size(1280,720); Mov1 = new Movie(this, "nemo_bimbo.mp4"); Mov2 = new Movie(this, "adelaide_bimba.mp4"); }
void draw(){ image(Mov1, 840,0, 440,720); image(Mov2, 0,0, 440,720); }
void movieEvent(Movie m) { m.read(); }
void keyPressed() {
//I don't know how to use switch (key) //case 'a' //PLEASE, help me!
if (key == 'a') {
if (key == 's') {
//I don't know how to not visualize anymore the video
if (key == ' ') {
Mov1.stop (); Mov2.stop(); } }