Displaying a portion of Image in processing (Android)

edited November 2013 in Android Mode

I am developing a robotic application ,which simultaneously generate a map in a android phone.As the full map is not displayable in the phone screen ,i would like to know ,how to display a portion of map in the screen(like google maps)?



  • Answer ✓

    Is this problem specific to Android? I think you may need to provide more information. What do you mean by "generate a map"? Is this displayed in Processing (like an image)? Or are you trying to incorporate Google Maps into the sketch (that isn't possible, as far as I know)?

  • it is not a google map .what i am going to do is take the sensor measurement from the robot and plot the objects found in a area in kind of image .But as the robot moves the area required for the the ploting increases .thus it is not possible to display it on mobile screen.In that case ,i need a scalable display

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