We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
Hi, How do I access old forums? When I do a google search, I get link to this search result.
But it seems the old forum is not accessible. If there anyway to get to the resources on the old forum? There is a lot of good knowledge there which I want to access.
All of my old links to previous Zoho forum still work! %%-
The other possibilities I see is that either that was deleted or that post was done after the snapshot.
Unfortunately, the last snapshot is about 5 days older. And anything after that is gone it seems! :o3
i see an odd xml snippet when (accidentally) visiting hitting my old forum bookmark (must delete that)
line 2 is broken (should start with a less than .html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/.html">
http://forum.processing.org/alpha/ http://forum.processing.org/beta/ http://forum.processing.org/one/
We're currently archiving the "one" forum again to catch its last few days and to correct a few bugs with the archiving.
That old dump is totally broken as i ran a "fix" on it that killed the HTML.
I'm almost done with re-indexing the Zoho. Next step is downloading and cleaning those 30.000+ pages ... so please be patient.
Thanks @Reas and @fjen for looking into this. Hope we all can access the tremendous amount of knowledge archived in old forums soon.
Keep up the great work guys...
Uploading at the moment. Most topics are there already, use Google to search it:
to your Google search and it will be limited to just search the old forum.All old forum content is now uploaded. Some minor quirks with URLs in posts remains, i will fix sooner or later ...
Thanks @fjen I had almost forgotten about this post.