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Hello there. How can i publish a processing skecth in wordpress page? I saw a plug-in wordpress.org/plugins/processing4wp/ but there is no tutorial how to load plug-in.
I am also interested in doing stuff like this.
Have you tried this? https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/processing4wp
With regard to the plugin - there are two parts
1) Installing it
2) Using it.
For (1) go to the admin section of your wordpress site and click Plugins and select Add New. In the search box type "Processing" and it will appear as the first plugin in the list then click INSTALL. Before you do that you should be warned that the plugin has not been updated for 2 years and not tested with the latest version of WordPress so you install it at your own risk.
As to (2) I have no idea how yo use this plugin.
The following solution assumes you have a publicly accessible web server or a web hosting account somewhere.
Another way that works for posts (should work with Pages), at least it did for me, is to Use Processing V2.2.1 and create the sketch using ProcessingJS mode. Once the sketch is working correctly export the sketch so it creates a working index.html page that you can view.
Edit the index file and remove all html that is not needed to display the sketch. The html below shows the minimum needed and is based on a sketch I created.
Upload the contents of the export folder for your sketch to your web server/host and make note of the URL to the index file.
In WordPress go to the page/post edit mode and select Text view. In this view add the following HTML
Replacing the
with your URL. Note the width and height should be at least 26pixels bigger that the size specified in the sketch.Same way you've replaced
, you can do the same for:
, replacing it w/:
. *-:)I've been doing those workarounds for a while. Mostly at my p5.js' examples. :P
Thanks @GoToLoop have amended my post to suit.
When I try to put the sentence in the text part of wordpress
<iframe src=https://www.dropbox.com/s/nda8saw898xisaa/index.html?dl=0 width=626 height=626></iframe>
that's don't work, when I update the page the text became a simple link and wordpress change the text to<a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/nda8saw898xisaa/index.html?dl=0">https://www.dropbox.com/s/nda8saw898xisaa/index.html?dl=0</a>
weird or normal ? and obvioulsy that's don't work :(