Specifying display when running Processing application remotely

edited May 2016 in Raspberry PI

Hello forum,

I need some help on a small project of mine. I have created a python and a processing code that work in tandem within several Raspberry Pis connected to a network. Each Pi has its own display and can work on its own. However, I want to execute the applications on command from a remote computer. Lets call it, the mas or control system. Using SSH I can connect to each Pi but when I run the programs, the Processing app does not open and the following error coimes up on my terminal

" Cannot run sketch without a display. Read this for possible solutions: https://github.com/processing/processing/wiki/Running-without-a-Display "

I clearly have a screen/display so my guess is that I have to pre-define the display. I tried using the "fullScreen()" processing function, given that these function requires a display # as an input, but it did not work.

Any ideas?



  • what does echo $DISPLAY say when you're sshed into the pi?

  • I get nothing back actually. I tried both echo $DISPLAY and sudo echo $DISPLAY and in either case I get nothing back

  • try setting it

    export $DISPLAY=":0"

    or ":1" or "0:0" or "localhost:0.0"

    (i'm guessing here, can you tell?)

  • Solved! I also posted this issue in the Raspberry Pi forum and got some good feedback.

    koogs, you were right on it with the DISPLAY function.

    In order to accomplish what I wanted I had to write the following on the terminal (from the remote computer through SSH) export DISPLAY=:0.0; /path/to/application

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