2D Coil, Spring

edited May 2016 in Share Your Work

I'm new to processing and this is the first thing, I've finished on my own.

I couldn't find a way to make a spring, as seen when drawing sketches of physical systems, so I made one myself. Maybe you will find it useful too.


spiral(x1, y1, x2, y2, c);

spiral(x1, y1, x2, y2, c, r);


x1 float: x-coordinate of the first point

y1 float: y-coordinate of the first point

x2 float: x-coordinate of the second point

y2 float: y-coordinate of the second point

c float: number of times the coil curls between the first and the second point

r float: radius of the curls

I hope it makes sense to you.

//This method draws a coil consisting of a number of circles between two points. It is supposed
//to be an illustration of a spring in illustrations of physical systems.
//Input: startX, startY, endX, end Y, numOfCircles, R.
//startX, startY, endX and endY is the coordinates of the two points that is connected with the coil.
//numOfCircles is the number of circles that the coil cosists of.
//R is the radius of the circles.
//If better performance is wished, try to numerator when defining stepSize a higher number.

void coil(float startX, float startY, float endX, float endY, float numOfCircles){
  float radius = 5;
  PVector start = new PVector(startX, startY);
  PVector end = new PVector(endX, endY);
  float distance = (start.dist(end)-2*radius) * (1 + 0.505/(numOfCircles-0.476));//The factor "(1 + 0.505/(numOfCircles-0.476))" is a hyperbola that makes the coil start and end at the right places.
  float numberOfCircles = numOfCircles;
  float stepSize = 2/numOfCircles;
  float t = 0;

  float angle = rotateWithFixPointsAndGetAng(end.x, end.y, start.x, start.y, radius);

  for(t = 0; t < numberOfCircles*2*PI-PI; t+=stepSize){
    line(cos(t+PI) * radius + map(t,0,numberOfCircles*2*PI,0,distance),sin(t) * radius, cos(t+PI+stepSize) * radius + map(t,0,numberOfCircles*2*PI,0,distance),sin(t+stepSize) * radius);

  //Rotate and translate back, so furthur coordinates aren't affected by this.
  translate(-end.x, -end.y);

void coil(float startX, float startY, float endX, float endY, float numOfCircles, float R){
  float radius = R;
  PVector start = new PVector(startX, startY);
  PVector end = new PVector(endX, endY);
  float distance = (start.dist(end)-2*radius) * (1 + 0.505/(numOfCircles-0.476));//The factor "(1 + 0.505/(numOfCircles-0.476))" is a hyperbola that makes the coil start and end at the right places.
  float numberOfCircles = numOfCircles;
  float stepSize = 2/numOfCircles;
  float t = 0;

  float angle = rotateWithFixPointsAndGetAng(end.x, end.y, start.x, start.y, radius);

  for(t = 0; t < numberOfCircles*2*PI-PI; t+=stepSize){
    line(cos(t+PI) * radius + map(t,0,numberOfCircles*2*PI,0,distance),sin(t) * radius, cos(t+PI+stepSize) * radius + map(t,0,numberOfCircles*2*PI,0,distance),sin(t+stepSize) * radius);

  //Rotate and translate back, so furthur coordinates aren't affected by this.
  translate(-end.x, -end.y);

//**This is a special case of rotateWithcFixPoints**, that is made specificly for Spring_illustration.

//This method works like a translate and rotate.
//It takes the coordinates of two points (a center point and a lead point), and rotates an object
//around the center object according to the coordinates of the lead point.
//This way, the translated object will stay on the line that goes through both the center point and the lead point.
void rotateWithFixPoints(float centerX, float centerY, float leadPointX, float leadPointY, float radius){
  float ang = 0;
  PVector center = new PVector(centerX, centerY);
  PVector leadPoint = new PVector (leadPointX, leadPointY);

  translate(center.x, center.y); 
  if(leadPoint.y-center.y < 0){
    ang = asin((leadPoint.x-center.x)/sqrt(sq(leadPoint.x-center.x)+sq(leadPoint.y-center.y)))-PI;
    ang = -asin((leadPoint.x-center.x)/sqrt(sq(leadPoint.x-center.x)+sq(leadPoint.y-center.y)));

float rotateWithFixPointsAndGetAng(float centerX, float centerY, float leadPointX, float leadPointY, float radius){
  float ang = 0;
  PVector center = new PVector(centerX, centerY);
  PVector leadPoint = new PVector (leadPointX, leadPointY);

  translate(center.x, center.y); 
  if(leadPoint.y-center.y < 0){
    ang = asin((leadPoint.x-center.x)/sqrt(sq(leadPoint.x-center.x)+sq(leadPoint.y-center.y)))-PI;
    ang = -asin((leadPoint.x-center.x)/sqrt(sq(leadPoint.x-center.x)+sq(leadPoint.y-center.y)));
  return ang+PI/2;
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